Here's what we found next to your name in our supporter records:
With the primary behind us, we're escalating our fight to re-elect a true champion for reproductive justice to Congress. That's why our team set a goal to raise $38,500 by tomorrow’s end-of-month deadline.
With under 48 hours left, we're currently tracking 6% behind. We’ve made great strides to recover from our post-primary fundraising slowdown, and we're counting on this grassroots team to step up in time.
We know this people-powered team has had Cori's back before, but if we're going to re-elect the first activist from the movement in defense of Black lives elected to Congress, we need your continued support. We took a look this morning, and here's what we found next to your name in our supporter records:
Supporter Name: John
Supporter ID: 126776
August Donations: Not yet!*
Suggested contribution: $5
Contribute $5
*This data only reflects donations made online with this email address. If you've made a previous contribution via check or with a different email address, you may not see it — but know that Cori and our entire team are deeply grateful for your support.*
We are so thankful you're a part of this team. Your first $5 donation will go directly to helping our team defend against attacks from the far-right and keep Cori in Congress.
The truth is this deadline matters a lot for our campaign. Our cash-on-hand number on September 1 will determine what’s possible as we begin making our final get-out-the-vote plans for November.
Please will you donate your first $5 or more right now to help us hit our critical end-of-month $38,500 fundraising goal and power our campaign to keep a true advocate for bold, progressive change in Congress?
Chip in $5
In solidarity,
Team Cori