From Lydia Brimelow <[email protected]>
Subject John Derbyshire: "Do something our children and grandchildren will speak of with pride."
Date December 17, 2019 2:42 PM
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Below is a message from our superstar writer and podcast creator, John
Derbyshire, regarding's 20th Anniversary. Later this month
we'll share messages from many other staff, contributors and supporters
of as we celebrate the past, present and future of immigration

Thank you most profoundly to those of you who have already contributed
-- we've had more than 500 donations this week! If you'd like to donate
now, please click the link above. And thanks again.


Lydia Brimelow Publisher
[email protected]

From John Derybshire:

I'm not sure when I first became aware of It must have been
early on: My first post here is dated July 22nd 2000, when the website
was just seven months old. (In the foreword to that piece, Peter
Brimelow writes about having republished something I wrote for

**Chronicles** in January 2000, but that referred to a link he posted on
the front page of the site.)

From 2000 to 2008 I posted eleven times. However, I was a contributing
editor at

**National Review** in those years. After Bill Buckley's death in
February 2008, Peter Brimelow, who had known Buckley well, posted an
unflattering obituary notice. Word came down from the senior editors at

**National Review** that was henceforth out of bounds to us.

That proscription lasted, so far as I was concerned, until April 2012,

**National Review** dropped me for racial heresy. did post two
pieces of mine in the hiatus, but both were republishings of addresses I
had given, one to Hans-Hermann Hoppe's Property and Freedom Society, one
to CPAC. I suppose I must have given permission for these posts, but it
was naughty of me to do so in defiance of


My defenestration from

**NR** came at a difficult time: I was midway through a course of
chemotherapy. My other editors rallied round in a way that I still flush
with gratitude to think of. Peter Brimelow made it plain that I was
welcome to post again at any time, and helped me solicit for donations.

**Taki's Magazine** took up production of my Radio Derb podcast, which
National Review Online had been posting since 2004. I tried to express
my gratitude to all my supporters in a post here at

I followed that a few days later with another post in which I floated
the term "Dissident Right" to describe the faction I now belonged to.
Was that the first-ever usage of the phrase? Some of my friends think
so, but I find it hard to believe. I have made some not-very-diligent
efforts to research the matter, but without any conclusion.

And as I expressed at the time, I can't shake off the thought that it
was mildly blasphemous of me to tag myself as a "dissident."

Dissidence is a very honorable estate, made so by the brave dissidents
of the great totalitarian empires ... The sensational courage and
integrity of those dissidents from totalitarianism in fact gives me
pause. There might, I mean, be something a bit impertinent in comparing
our occasional inconveniences with the horrors that they, and often
their families and friends, faced up to.

I have been a regular member of the family ever since. It's a
privilege to have been so-to work with thoughtful, well-read people
all dedicated, as I am, to peacefully opposing the many varieties of
craziness, cupidity, folly, and error that, we believe, threaten to
destroy the nation we love.

And at the heart of the family is an actual

**family**: Peter, Lydia, and the children. Getting to know the
Brimelows, being the recipient of their hospitality and of innumerable
incidental kindnesses from them, entering as a guest into their busy,
cheerful, useful lives, has been one of the great experiences of these
past few years, second only to raising and cherishing my own family. I
was not as surprised as I ought to have been when, getting back my DNA
results last year, I learned that Peter and I are actually cousins.

All of us here believe we are doing something important, something our
children and grandchildren will speak of with pride.

Our country, right or wrong. If right, to keep her right; if wrong, to
put her right.
We can only do this with your support, though. Please help in any way
you can: donate, publicize, link to us, quote us. Thank you!


Yours sincerely,


John Derybshire writer
Radio Derb Podcast Creator
[email protected]

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