![]() Patriot, How much will Joe Biden’s so-called student loan “forgiveness” cost? The earliest estimates said $300 billion. Then the figure went up to $500 billion. Now the respected University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business estimates it will cost up to $1 trillion. Who is going to shoulder this astronomical price tag? Are the colleges who enabled this predatory lending going to cover the cost? Of course not. As Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul revealed in yesterday’s column, the debt is to be paid by you, the taxpayer! In other words, those who paid off their student loans, never took out student loans, or never went to college would have to foot the bill. . . That includes fast food workers, meat packing plant employees, and factory workers . . . many of whom struggle to pay for utility bills, groceries, and gas to get to work these days. This is the typical M.O. of the Biden regime: rob Peter to pay Paul. It’s grossly immoral. And it’s also illegal. Biden’s dictatorial decree to assume a trillion-dollar debt without congressional approval is a dangerous and unconstitutional violation of our system of separation of powers. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it herself, just last year: “People think that the President of the United States has the power for debt
forgiveness. He does not. He can postpone, he can delay, but does not have that power. That has to be an act of Congress.” Now, of course, Nancy Pelosi sings the party tune. She says the very thing she claimed Biden couldn’t do will “empower every American,” which it will not. Pelosi and her pals are applauding Biden transferring a trillion dollars in debt from those who owe it to those who do not. And Biden did it unilaterally because he and his stooges knew he could not get such a massive waiver from Congress. This is precisely what the Framers sought to avoid in a system of shared powers. DEMAND CONGRESS ACT TO
STOP JOE BIDEN’S UNCONSTITUTIONAL POWER GRAB! Some House Republicans recently sent a sternly worded letter to Nancy Pelosi, pointing out that “noticeably absent from the President’s plan is any plausible legal authority to implement such a policy.” But at the end, the letter sheepishly calls on Pelosi to “commit to supporting [her] July 2021 statement with definitive action.” That’s not nearly enough. Congress needs to file suit the moment the Biden regime begins to implement this unconstitutional plan. There is no doubt something needs to be done about student loans . . . the federal government never should have been involved from the get-go. Their interference made this mess and drove up the cost of attending college because the schools were more than happy to raise tuition and fees when they saw the Fed printing and loaning out money left and right! But Biden’s action will not solve the problem, and forcing innocent Americans to pay the price is NO solution! Right now, the U.S. economy is already in recession, and as Ron Paul has repeatedly warned, a depression is coming. On top of that, Biden just signed the Democrats’ inflation act, which will raise taxes on the huge majority of Americans and make an already bad situation worse. Now, Biden wants to saddle Americans already being squeezed with the student debts of others. You work hard to provide for your family, but Joe Biden wants you to pay for the college loans of doctors, lawyers, and even politicians. DEMAND CONGRESS ACT TO
STOP JOE BIDEN’S UNCONSTITUTIONAL POWER GRAB! Patriot, Joe Biden is setting a dangerous precedent where he can act alone to appropriate taxpayer dollars, without any action from Congress. If he can get away with transferring a trillion dollars of debt from the people who owe it onto hard-working Americans who don’t, what can’t he do? Congress can’t just let this go. Take just one moment to send a note to Congress, and demand they don’t just complain, but take action to stop Joe Biden’s unconstitutional power grab. And if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty with a contribution, to help us prepare for the battles to come. We’re fighting on all fronts: -A Central Bank Digital Currency -Assaults on our constitutional right to privacy, due process, and free speech -An out-of-control FDA and CDC -An administration and Federal Reserve destroying our economy -Spend-now, pay-later policies from Congress, the president, and the Fed -More gun-grabbing measures Please consider chipping in $25, $50, $100, $250, or even more so you can help us mobilize more patriots for these critical fights. Thanks for all you do for liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. The latest power-grab by Joe Biden is not only expensive, it’s illegal. By “canceling” student debt, all he’s really doing is transferring the debt to hard-working Americans. It’s time to call on Congress to do their job and stop this illegal power grab. Sign your postcard to your U.S. representative now and demand Congress step in and stop the student loan bailout. And then, please consider a donation so Campaign for Liberty can keep fighting these battles. Remember, we can only take on so many battles, but the more support, the more we can do. Please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty today! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron
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giveaways autographed by Ron Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |