In case you missed it, CLASP President and Executive Director Indivar Dutta-Gupta appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal this morning for a 45-minute segment exploring key components of the Inflation Reduction Act that support people with low incomes and communities of color.  


CLASP on C-SPAN Discussing Inflation Reduction Act

In case you missed it, CLASP President and Executive Director Indivar Dutta-Gupta appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal this morning for a 45-minute segment exploring key components of the Inflation Reduction Act that support people with low incomes and communities of color. He also addressed the urgent need for Congress to act on policies like the expanded Child Tax Credit, paid family and medical leave, employment programs for young people, expansion of Medicaid, child care and other care programs, efforts to address the student debt crisis, and more. Tune in here and consider sharing this tweet.


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