Ope! Look what we found at the Minnesota State Fair this year:


If you’re a regular at the State Fair, you’ll know that political crop art is one of the best attractions.

And while, Ope! THC was legalized last legislative session, we can’t let this be a mistake. We’re organizing and taking action now.

But a critical piece of our strategy is having a massive grassroots network to help us across the finish line. We have less than 500 Founding Memberships left to claim before the end of August. Will you chip in any amount and become a founding member now?

Founding Membership

Email: [email protected]

Memberships Claimed: 501/1,000

Claim yours now →


Marijuana for America is a grassroots organization leading the charge to legalize adult-use marijuana in Minnesota and across the country.

Will you join our fight by chipping in $5 or more now?


Thank you for supporting Marijuana for America. We are mobilizing a massive grassroots network to legalize adult-use marijuana in Minnesota and around the country.

Emails are a crucial way of staying in touch with supporters, and it’s our primary method for raising money and mobilizing supporters like you. We rely on supporters like you pitching in an average donation of $15 to fuel our efforts. Please donate today!


Prepared and paid for by Marijuana for America

Marijuana for America
3324 47TH AVE S
Minneapolis MN 55406 United States