
August 30, 2022

Legal, Scientific Defeats for 'Gender-Affirming' Procedures
by Joshua Arnold
Twelve years after the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law, we're still finding out what's in it. The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Friday upheld a permanent injunction preventing the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from enforcing a requirement that hospitals "perform gender-reassignment surgeries or abortions" against Franciscan Alliance, a Catholic hospital network of nearly 19,000 health care professionals, because doing so would be "in violation of its sincerely held religious beliefs."
Google, Yelp, Democratic Rhetoric Is 'Fomenting Violence' against Pro-life Centers: PRC Director
by Ben Johnson
A coalition of left-leaning politicians and Big Tech executives plan to limit, label, and stigmatize pro-life pregnancy resource centers - a move the director of a recently firebombed clinic says will "foment violence" against the already embattled women's charities. Last Tuesday, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison (D) issued a statewide consumer alert about "so-called Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs)," and Big Tech is piling on.
Mississippi Report on Fatherlessness Highlights Need for Increased Emphasis on Marriage, Experts Say
by Dan Hart
A recently released report from the state government of Mississippi underscored that hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are being squandered on government programs that could have been avoided if more fathers were present in their children's lives. The report reflects a decades-long pattern of social science data that points to how closely marriage and religious practice are to positive social outcomes for their children, experts say.
'Removing Pregnancies': The Abortion Industry's Misuse of Language
by Rob Schwarzwalder
The eagerness of abortion advocates to dehumanize the unborn speaks of something sad and desperate. Unable to deny the personhood of the little one in the womb, they speak in a sort of muted code. By using terms that attempt to sanitize something evil, we assuage our consciences and gradually create a thick callous over the tender flesh of our basic moral impulses.
California Churches Prevail in Court Battle over Mandatory Abortion Coverage
by Alice Chao
'Leave Children Alone': Country Music Singer's Wife Doubles Down Against Transitioning Kids
by Marjorie Jackson
Facebook Suppressed Hunter Biden Laptop Story After FBI Warning
by Katrina Trinko


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