FBI Agent Timothy Thibault, who publicly posted anti-Trump Lincoln Project tweets, and buried the investigation into Hunter Biden's laptop, was also one of the FBI agents tasked with "combating election fraud".
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

FBI Special Agent Who Opened Trump Investigation Escorted Out of Bureau
A senior FBI official in the bureau’s Washington field office has abruptly resigned after coming under congressional scrutiny for suspected political bias in handling the investigation of Hunter Biden’s laptop computer.

FBI Agent Timothy ...

President Trump: Declare ‘Rightful Winner’ or ‘New Election’ Over FBI Meddling
“This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our country.”


Trump: Declare 'Rightful Winner' or 'New Election' Over FBI Meddling

By: Eric Mack | Newsmax | 29 August 2022|

Former ...

The Vaxxed Are Dropping Like Flies
There's no other way to say it.

Miami Dolphins exec dies (mysteriously) at 47

Bulgarian Tennis Player Grigor Dimitrov Retires in His Opening Match During Winston Salem Open After Experiencing Dizziness and Shortness of Breath (VIDEO) ...

Long-Term Disability Claims Are Soaring Among Vaccinated Pilots
Another massive news story censored by the enemedia…..

Think of all the vital sectors of our workforce that also faced mandatory shots: police, firemen, healthcare workers.

Long-term disability claims are soaring among pilots

By: Alex ...

Unvaxxed Coast Guard cadets given 24 hours to vacate campus, can’t go to class, change job
Despite all that we now know about the dangers of the vax…..

This is not about the vaccine, this is about purging the strong leaving our military with the weak and the stupid.

Lunacy https://t.co/WhJPcpDLow

— John Cardillo ...

WATCH: Baghdad Has Fallen, U.S. Embassy Employees Being Evacuated From Roof in Baghdad
The new normal under the Democrat regime. Looks like the fall of Saigon '75.

BREAKING: U.S. Embassy employees being evacuated from the roof in Baghdad

This is the new normal under Biden


— Benny Johnson ...

Court rejects Democrat Secretary of State’s attempt to keep 26,000 DEAD PEOPLE on Michigan’s voter rolls
Why did Democrats want to keep dead people on the voter rolls? So much so that, it had to go to court.

Court rejects Democrat Secretary of State’s attempt to keep 26,000 DEAD PEOPLE on Michigan’s voter rolls

By: John Binder, Breitbart ...

WILD! Man Interrupts Biden speech, “You stole it [2020 Election]! You stole it, guy! And you’re a pedophile too.”
Watch. Things are getting wild, I tell ya. The people have just about had it

ICYMI… Man interrupts Biden speech:

"You stole it [2020 Election]. You stole it guy. And you're a pedophile too."pic.twitter.com/cc4sXnBOsO

— Citizen Free ...

The CDC is Broken and Apologies Can’t Fix It: “We’ve Made Some Mistakes, But NOW You Can Trust Us!”
“We've made some mistakes, but NOW you can trust us!” — Dr. Rochelle Walensky

Are you kidding me?  I wouldn't trust her to take out my garbage.

Let's be clear. You can't trust these people until they've admitted they've killed over ...

Prosecutors Request 17-Year Sentence for Jan 6 Veteran
Equal protection under the law is dead.

For years, I covered riots, protests, and acts of violence by the left. It has been a constant in my work in defense of freedom. The left is never held accountable. Their free speech incldues burning ...

WOKE MADNESS: ‘Neuroqueerness’ Is A College Course
And you are paying off the student loans for the morons who imbibe this insane poison.

Can Woke Get Any Woker? Now 'Neuroqueerness' Is a Thing

By: Red State, August 27, 2022:

Let’s be honest, shall we? Many if not most of us have ...

DISASTER: Horrific Details of New Iran Deal Released, “Strategic Disaster”
‘God Help Your Souls’

The head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency has called the nascent nuclear deal with Iran a “strategic disaster” that is “based on lies.”

“A year ago, Joe Biden gave Afghanistan to the Taliban. Now he ...

ELMO LIES: Iconic puppet pushes clot shots for kids
The left is coming for your children. Wake up.

Sky News: Left-Wing Antisemitism ‘Deep-Rooted’ in Mainstream American Society
The left in America dictate narratives in media, entertainment, academia et al – that's how they normed and mainstreamed antisemitism.

When the history books are written, Democrat Jews will be held in the same contempt as the kapo Jews in ...

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