
Election Day is only 71 days away, and I’m nowhere close to finished fighting for you.

We know exactly who we need to beat on November 8th: A GOP extremist who wants to deny women access to abortion care, suppress the vote, and put special interests over people.

I’m ready for the fight — but I can’t do it without you. Can you pitch in $15 now to support our campaign and ensure we meet our August fundraising goal of $7,500?


I’ve devoted my career to the Palm Beach County community because it’s my home and my community. I believe in life-saving access to reproductive healthcare, addressing our sickening gun violence epidemic, ensuring everyone has the fundamental right to vote, and putting people over big corporations.

Will you chip in $15 right now to fund my defense against my ultra-conservative opponent this November?


Thank you for standing with me,

Lois Frankel for Congress
PO Box 812421
Boca Raton, FL 33481
United States
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Thanks for your support!

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