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Message from Anna Henry, Director of the Global Initiative

Our Director reflects on the achievements and challenges for children's rights in the past year, as well as what lies ahead in 2020. Read more.
New prohibitions!

There is now a global total of 58 states and 16 territories with full prohibition of corporal punishment. Read more about the recent changes in Georgia, Jersey and Scotland.

Our website is live in three new languages with more on the way!
We are pleased to launch three new sub-sites in French, Spanish and Portuguese to support our global vision to end all corporal punishment of children.
In the new year, we will also be launching sites in Arabic, Chinese and Russian!
Celebrating 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the CRC, the Global Initiative delivered a workshop last month at UCL on Equal Protection for Children. Read more
New resources from the Global Initiative 
Our new animation launched in partnership with the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and Commissioner for Children & Young People shows why equal protection for children is so important. 
Interview with Jillian van Turnhout: the Former Senator who championed prohibition in Ireland talks about how the ban was achieved and how we can support change for children in other countries.
Malta outcomes report: 
Read our report on the High Level Global Conference on the Universal Prohibition of Corporal Punishment held in Malta in 2018.
Regional newsletters: 
Read the latest developments from Africa, also available in French, and from Asia and the Pacific! Sign up to receive future editions on our website
National moves towards prohibition of all corporal punishment 

Chile - A draft law creating a comprehensive statute against violence against children and adolescents, which prohibits corporal punishment, was introduced in January 2019. Another Bill which includes a more explicit prohibition is still being discussed in the Senate.

Japan - The draft implementing guidelines for the amendments adopted in ​​June 2019 have been issued. They reportedly prohibit all corporal punishment in all settings regardless of parental authority. 

Kiribati - The Early Childhood and Care Act 2017 prohibited corporal punishment in all early childhood care and education for children. The Juvenile Justice Act 2015 repealed the law which authorised judicial corporal punishment for boys however it appears to still be lawful in traditional justice.

Kyrgyzstan - A draft new Child Code which reportedly prohibits all corporal punishment should be soon introduced to Parliament.

Mauritius - The Children's Bill was introduced to the National Assembly in September, the text as introduced explicitly prohibits all corporal punishment. 

Mexico - A new Bill, which includes an explicit prohibition of corporal punishment was adopted in the Senate in November 2019. The Bill does not address the existing "right to correct" in the Federal Civil Code and may not apply in all of Mexico.

UK (Scotland) - The Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Act was adopted on 3 October to repeal the defence of 'justifiable assault' and give children equal protection from assault. The Act will come into force in November 2020.

UK (Wales) - The Children (Abolition of Defence of Reasonable Punishment) (Wales) Bill passed stage 2 in the National Assembly on 24 October and is scheduled for stage 3 on 21 January 2020.


Gabon ​- The Children's Code adopted in February 2019 repeated an existing explicit prohibition of corporal punishment in penal institutions but did not extend it to other settings.

UR Tanzania - In October, President Magufuli expressed support for a regional commissioner who had been filmed illegally caning students.
News from the UN human rights system

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child made recommendations on corporal punishment at its 82nd session. Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mozambique and the Republic of Korea were included in the review. Read our full update

The UN Human Rights Council adopted the final reports of the Universal Periodic Review's 32nd session. Read more.

The Global Initiative briefs human rights treaty monitoring bodies and the UPR prior to examination of states. If you/your organisation is interested in submitting information on your state, contact [email protected]. Upcoming examinations, deadlines for submitting briefings, and previous recommendations are available in our country reports and on the treaty body pages on our website.

Help us continue to end violence against children

As valued supporters, we know that you understand the importance of prohibiting corporal punishment which is why we ask for your help today. By signing up to a small regular gift you are helping to give children the opportunity to live free from violence. 
Donate now to protect children in homes, schools and all settings
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Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
The Foundry
17 Oval Way
London, London SE11 5RR
United Kingdom

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