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The Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal over whether a charitable housing association's arrangements for allocating housing, which amount to direct
discrimination on the ground of religion, were lawful.
China's foreign ministry has said Arsenal's Mesut Ozil was "deceived by fake news" after he criticised the country's treatment of Uighur Muslims. Beijing had
already decided not to show a game he played in on Sunday on TV in response to his criticism.
Intense protests against a divisive Indian citizenship law that excludes Muslims have spread to university campuses across the country, fuelled by a brutal
police crackdown on a demonstration in Delhi at the weekend.
An explanatory memo from the Australian government outlines how a new bill's far-reaching effects will change public life dramatically – in medical services,
schools, offices and hospitals.
A handful of people have gone public as survivors of Catholic clerical sexual abuse in Japan, where values of conformity and harmony have resulted in a
strong code of silence.
Greg McKenzie investigates accusations of financial irregularities against the Salvation Proclaimers Anointed Church, a charity dedicated to tackling gang
violence and crime.
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