
Before I ask you to make a donation to help us meet our end-of-month fundraising goal, I want to tell you a bit about why I’m in this fight.

I’m not the kind of guy you’d expect to see in Congress. I still get $12 haircuts. At home on the farm, I butcher my own meat. I didn’t go to Washington to make friends with lobbyists or cozy up to special interests — I went because I didn’t see anyone in our government sticking up for dirt farmers like me.

I’m here to deliver for Montanans. That’s why I’m taking action on climate change, making sure we’re investing in high-quality education and expanding access to affordable health care. 

But with the GOP spreading reckless lies and pulling partisan stunts, they’re choosing to play politics instead of looking out for everyday folks like you and me.

Will you chip in any amount before Wednesday’s deadline to help us meet our end-of-month fundraising goal? If we want to protect our Democratic majority in November and put an end to GOP obstruction, we need to get to work now.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for chipping in. I’m grateful you’re in this fight with me.

— Jon