John —

Summer is quickly coming to a close, which means that campaign season is about to get serious.

If you're just now starting to pay attention, we don't blame you. Over the next 10 weeks, we have a ton of work to do to make sure that folks who are just tuning in know what's at stake in Auditor Julie Blaha's race against a MAGA Trumper.

Julie’s opponent is a MAGA Republican, who served as a Trump election lawyer and proudly harassed an election judge during the 2020 election. On top of that, he’s apparently Matt Birk’s new best friend and hasn't denounced any of Birk's extremist views.

This isn’t a guy that Minnesotans can afford to let into statewide office, especially not this one. The Auditor’s office is where Governors Mark Dayton and Arnie Carlson got their statewide start.

Stopping this guy starts with you. We’re running a grassroots campaign funded by contributions from small donors across the state – many of whom take advantage of Minnesota’s Political Contribution Refund program.

Can Julie count on you to help her stand up to her MAGA Republican opponent and win? Please, contribute $50 or more today to power Julie’s campaign.

Julie’s office is responsible for overseeing more than $60 billion, mostly local, of taxpayer funds.

She holds local government spending accountable, and protects Minnesotans freedom to make decisions in their own communities.

It’s an important job, and Minnesotans need someone who takes it seriously. But Julie’s opponent frequently makes it clear, as he did in their debate at the State Fair, that he has a fundamental misunderstanding of government authority and how audits work, and wants to use the office to pursue his MAGA Republican agenda.

We can’t let this happen.

Chip in today to help Julie fight back against her GOP opponent and win!

Thank you!

Chris Kluthe
Minnesotans for Julie Blaha


Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States