Hello John
Pittsburgh DSA will be hosting a full-chapter organizing meeting this Thursday, 12/19 at Community Forge in Wilkinsburg (1256 Franklin Avenue). Can you make it!?
RSVP to our December organizing meeting by clicking this link!
The meeting officially begins at 7pm, but attendees are encouraged to arrive as early as 6:00 for setup, our monthly potluck, and socializing! There will also be a new member/visitor orientation at 6:30pm -- even if you have never attended an official chapter function, Thursday is an ideal opportunity to get more involved!
If you need a ride to/from the meeting, or childcare during the meeting, please let us know at the above link!
We are hoping to have a hearty selection at this meeting’s pot luck, so please click here and commit to bringing a dish! You can also commit to volunteering at this meeting by clicking here!
I hope to see you Thursday, for an evening of song, solidarity, praxis, and snaxis!
-Dan Brown
Communications Chair