We are currently serving 18 high-risk families in our safehousing. Donate now to keep them safe.

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Survivors in Crisis Need Your Immediate Support

Doorways' safehousing – the only safehousing in Arlington – is over capacity, and we need your help to keep survivors safe

Doorways is currently serving 18 families in our safehousing, including our Domestic Violence Safehouse, Safe Apartments, and hotels due to the shelter and apartments being over capacity. Every one of these families was determined by Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) to be at the highest risk of being seriously injured or killed by their intimate partners. That means that in addition to having no other safe place to go, their lives are on the line.

As Arlington's only safehousing provider, Doorways is the only safe place these families have. However, we lack sufficient funding to meet this incredibly high need.

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Just last month (July), Doorways spent $50,000 on hotels, depleting almost all of our government funding for hotels for the year. We only anticipated spending $7,000 per month. We need your help to ensure we can keep survivors safe and sheltered, whether in our Safehouse, Safe Apartments, or overflow hotels, the rest of the year.

Please donate now, and consider setting up a recurring, monthly donation to continue your support all year round. Thank you for keeping survivors safe!

Back-to-School Success!

All 98 kids in Doorways' shelters, housing, and community-based programs sponsored

Hooray for YOU, our amazing back-to-school sponsors! Thanks to you, every child living in Doorways' Safehouse and Safe Apartments, Family Home, and HomeStart Supportive Housing was matched with a sponsor. And, thanks to your outpouring of generosity, for the first time, we were able to expand our back-to-school sponsorships to include all families in our Revive Counseling, Court Advocacy, and Mobile Advocacy programs, too! That means all of the children currently being served by Doorways – 98 kids total – are starting their new year off right, with the added bonus of knowing they have your support. Thank you!

Poll: Doorways Programs

Which program do you want to learn more about in the next edition of This Week at Doorways?
Prevention and Outreach Program
Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs
Family Home (Homelessness Programs)
HomeStart Supportive Housing Program
Counseling Programs (Revive and Children's Services)

Open Hearts, Open Doors at Amazon HQ2

You're invited! Join us for a good night for a great cause! Enjoy delicious eats, drinks, a live auction, and more – to benefit Doorways!

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Main Event 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. 

Sponsorship opportunities and tickets now available!

Register Now
Do you need support? Do you know someone else who might? Call Doorways to speak with an advocate any time.
24-Hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline:
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