I know we’ve emailed you a lot lately, friend, but there are a few things you need to know:
1. The FDA detected extremely high and, in some cases, illegal levels of cancer-linked glyphosate on beans and oats.
2. Big Ag–backed front groups are stepping up their attacks on EWG, accusing us of “distortion” and calling our activism “evil.”
3. EWG is running dangerously short of the funds we need to continue protecting your health from toxic pesticides.
We can’t keep up our work protecting your health and fighting industry attacks without your support. Can you chip in $15, $25 or more right now to help us keep going? Any amount makes a difference.
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Remember – industry front groups are trying to silence our work. We need to step up our response to keep spreading the truth about pesticides.
Thanks for your support, friend.
Maura Walsh
VP, Digital Strategies, EWG
---------- Original Message ----------
To: xxxxxx@gmail.com
From: EWG Rapid Response
Date: Thursday, Aug 18, 2022
Subject: EWG is under attack
Environmental Working Group
Stop Pesticide Pollution FUNDRAISING DRIVE
Donate $15 today and we'll send you a Dirty Dozen™ and Clean Fifteen™ wallet guide!
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Friend -
EWG is under attack.
A pro-pesticide, pro-chemical industry group heavily funded by Bayer is trying to discredit our reporting on glyphosate, the cancer-linked pesticide that is the active ingredient in Roundup.
This Bayer-funded organization, the Genetic Literacy Project, is lashing out, accusing us of “distortion” and “deception” for reporting the fact[1] that the CDC detected glyphosate in urine samples.
This is in addition to the Alliance for Food and Farming, a Big Ag front group, calling the Dirty Dozen™ list “propaganda” and alleging that EWG is “anti-fruits and veggies.”
They want to protect their bottom line – not your health.
EWG won’t be bullied into silence. We need to keep putting out the TRUTH about pesticides, but we are facing pesticide companies with billions of dollars in revenue they can use to try to stop our work.
We have set a goal to raise $50,000 by AUGUST 31 for our Stop Pesticide Pollution campaign to fight these attacks and continue our work. If you help with a tax-deductible donation of $15 or more, we will send you a Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ wallet guide as a thank-you.
Can we count on you to make a tax-deductible donation right now? It takes just two minutes, and ANY amount can make a difference.
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Our goal is to tell consumers the truth about the pesticide industry. Just look at what we're working on now:
* Fighting continued attacks against our pesticide work. AFF continues to attack our Dirty Dozen list with the goal of shutting it down.
* Shedding light on the presence of toxic pesticides in our food. EWG has conducted tests that detected glyphosate in oat-based cereals and hummus.
* Preventing the EPA from declaring pesticides like glyphosate and atrazine as safe.
Your donation today will go directly toward our pesticide work. If we don’t hit the $50,000 fundraising goal, we won’t be able to fight off all the attacks.
We just need $15 from individuals like you. It takes two minutes to donate, and it will have a huge impact. And we will send you a brand new 2022 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ wallet guide as a thank-you.
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Thank you for your continued support.
EWG Rapid Response
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[1]"CDC finds toxic weedkiller in 87 percent of children tested,” Environmental Working Group, July 11, 2022
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202-667-6982 | ewg@ewg.org
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