Vikram For N.H Weekly Newsletter
August 28, 2022

Unite T.V. Ad is on the Air!

This past week, Vikram Mansharamani released a bold new T.V. ad entitled Unite, in which he describes how the ideals of the American Revolution have been replaced by a Cultural Revolution that is tearing this nation apart.

The ripples of this destruction are seeping through daily life. The new revolutionaries are removing statues of our Founding Fathers, hosting segregated graduations based on race and social class, and suggesting kids should choose their own genders. Unity and equality are being replaced with division and equity.

On release of the captivating new spot, Mansharamani noted: “America is being torn apart from an agenda that is pitting people against each other, neighbor vs. neighbor. The situation is grim and I believe we’re at a tipping point. We need to arrest this decline into divisive identity politics and I’m optimistic I can lead that charge.”

The ad is being featured on WMUR and cable with a six-figure buy.

View Vikram’s T.V. Ad HERE.  

Conway Daily Sun Editorial Board

Vikram sat down with the editor and reporting teams at the Conway Daily Sun for an editorial board meeting on Thursday afternoon. He passionately made the case for why he is the best candidate to retire Maggie Hassan this fall, and the candidate who will fight the cycle of career politicians in Washington, DC by standing up for Granite Staters and putting their needs first.


World Affairs Council of New Hampshire Interview

Vikram sat down with Tim Horgan of WACNH to discuss some of the most pressing international issues that will face U.S. Senators over the course of the next few years. From fighting international inflation, articulating the way forward in the Ukraine conflict, and confronting Chinese sabre-rattling over Taiwan, Vikram showcased his deep knowledge of and experience with foreign affairs. Combined with his economic expertise and global perspective, it's increasingly obvious to many that Vikram is well-suited to serve in the U.S. Senate.

Watch the Interview with the WACNH HERE.

Grassroots Events/Activities

Once again, this week was busy with various Republican events around the state, including the Manchester Federation of Republican Women Western-themed fundraiser, the Merrimack Town GOP Meeting, the Plymouth GOP Summer Garden Party, the Carroll County GOP Summer Cookout, and the Hillsborough County GOP golf tournament. In addition, the campaign was proud to sponsor the Mahrajan Middle Eastern food festival in Manchester, and Vikram attended a picnic in Nashua hosted by the Indian Association of New Hampshire.

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