Band of Brothers
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Hey, friends!

Have you noticed something interesting happening?  I have, and I spoke of it at the GCISD meeting this past week.  I've noticed that when one group has success, it empowers another group...and another one...and another one. 

A year or so ago, Southlake's Carroll ISD pushed back against a Leftist agenda in their schools.  Grapevine/Colleyville activists had long been fighting their school board as well, but without much luck.  After Southlake's victory, they shared some tips, and soon GCISD had elected a conservative board, which is what led to victories this week in enacting conservative changes.  Nearby Keller ISD is doing the very same thing.  We know our TTp folks in Collin County have a couple school districts winning battles as well, and so do some school districts in Central Texas. I'm sure there are more.  Our victories are spreading like wildfire!

And that's what led me to say what I said to the battle-weary GCISD school board members.  Click the image below to take a listen to my 34-second speech...

Friends, this year alone, True Texas Project has had over 1300 attendees at our activist training classes.  And we're not done yet!  That's a lot of Texans ready to stand up for students and taxpayers!  At these classes they learn how to testify at hearings like this at the school, city, county, and state levels, and to engage with any elected official.  Can you name another grassroots organization in Texas with these kinds of numbers?  Fran and her team of teachers are doing a great job!

We offer these trainings for free, but it sure would be nice to have y'all show your support by setting up regular donations.  The budget for TTP is ridiculously low given all we accomplish!  If you are giving to a national organization, you'd be shocked at how little actually goes to good efforts (it's around 10% or less).  But if you give to a local organization, you have visibility to the work we do and you know how to reach us to hold us accountable to how money is spent. 

Show up at public meetings, speak out, donate to the cause, spread the word.  We're all in this together to save kids and save Texas!

Thank you!!!
Julie McCarty, CEO

PS. If we're going to continue to build the army across Texas -- and see these amazing victories -- we're gonna need funds.  Please consider a recurring monthly donation of $10.  You can sign up here!

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