do you think testing cocaine on dogs is funny?
Taxpayer — I just don’t get it.
There’s been a very poor show of support for our new rapid response campaign:

Maybe folks think testing cocaine on dogs is funny? Maybe they only care about beagles adopted by famous Hollywood celebrities and wealthy royal couples?
Taxpayer, whatever the reason, this trend is bad news.
You see, the first few days following the launch of a new rapid response campaign are the most critical.
If we can’t show an initial surge of grassroots support, the pro-animal testing lobby will gauge it as a sign of weakness. Even worse, Congress will assume the issue is not a priority among taxpayers.
We still have time to turn this around – but not much.
The White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is the ONLY GROUP that’s shut down any federal dog labs this year:
- We stopped all five of Dr. Fauci’s heinous $1.8 million tests on beagle puppies – but only after you stepped up.
- We ended the heinous $500,000 heart harvesting lab at the Dept. of Veterans Affairs in Saint Louis – but only after you donated to WCW’s rapid response campaign.
Taxpayer, WCW has closed more government dog labs in the last four months than most organizations have in the last 40 years!
As you can see, there’s a direct connection between rapid fundraising success and rapid lab closures: You give. We win. They survive.
But that’s just not happening this time, Taxpayer.
Now here’s the urgent deadline: Congress returns from recess in just a FEW DAYS – and we aren’t even close to covering our rapid response campaign yet.
Please send help!!!
Desiree Bender
Campaign Manager
White Coat Waste Project

How much cocaine can you buy for $2 million?
Taxpayer, you should ask the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
White Coat Waste Project (WCW) recently exposed how the NIH has wasted over $2.3 million of your tax dollars to stress beagles’ hearts in painful COCAINE injection experiments.
Rapid Response Needed: Unless we take immediate action to cut the tax funding, the NIH will get away with robbing even more of your tax $ to slaughter beagles after repeatedly injecting them with cocaine.

Taxpayer, WCW’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) investigation will SHOCK and SICKEN you:
- PAINFUL SURGERIES: Cruel white coats slice open 6-month-old beagle puppies and implant “telemetry units” to monitor their vitals during the experiment.
- INJECTION JACKETS: Then, through special drug injection jackets, the puppies are shot up with cocaine over and over and over again… for months on end.
- FATAL REACTIONS: Big government white coats videotape puppies to pinpoint the exact moment they start vomiting… and if the puppies appear dead, the white coats will finish them off.
- SLAUGHTERED OR RECYCLED: At the end of the experiment, all “coke hounds” are either killed or shipped to another lab for more painful experiments.
Is this how you want your money spent, Taxpayer?
RAPID RESPONSE DEADLINE: Please follow this secure link right now to support our campaign to cut tax funding for the NIH’s deadly “Coke Hound” experiments!

And somehow, Taxpayer, it gets worse.
The taxpayer-funded laboratory running these horrific experiments is known for ripping the VOCAL CORDS out of puppies so that the white coats who work there don’t have to listen as their victims scream in pain.
These poor beagles have experienced more pain before their first birthday than any dog should have to experience in her lifetime.
It’s up to us to end this gross misuse of our tax dollars and give any survivors the life they deserve.
WCW’s campaign will shut down the NIH’s “Coke Hound” experiments as FAST as possible by working with Congress to cut the funding… but only if we can cover our budget.
Are you in?

Mackie Burr
Vice President
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. RAPID RESPONSE NEEDED: The quicker we fund our campaign, the faster we can shut down the NIH’s “Coke Hound” experiments. It’s an EMERGENCY! Can we count on you to help?
P.P.S. Taxpayer: WCW is the ONLY group in the USA to actually shut down government dog labs… in nearly two decades! Our strategy is effective: Stop the MONEY. Stop the MADNESS!
WCW is also the ONLY organization working with Congress to defund NIH’s “Coke Hound” experiments. That means we have to pay for all the investigations, media, ads, and lobbying costs… and it’s VERY expensive! So if you really want to save the NIH’s Coke Hounds, please support WCW’s campaign. Thanks!
Stop the MONEY.
Stop the MADNESS!