Hi there,
There’s a growing movement against ventilation shutdown plus (VSD+)—the horrific method of killing lots of animals slowly in extreme heat. As a veterinarian, I am dismayed that the use of VSD+ continues. And disturbingly, it’s increasingly prevalent on factory farms.
In short: VSD+ is still happening.
It’s outrageous that animals are continuing to die in distress from suffocation, heat stroke, and organ failure—on purpose, through a process that takes hours.
That’s why we created this video.
This powerful video presents a close look at VSD+: what it really is, and what it’s like for animals.
Those who condone the use of VSD+ may assume that the public will never see what the process actually entails, and thus won’t really understand the extent of suffering VSD+ causes. This may have stayed behind closed doors if not for a public records request by Animal Outlook that disclosed the details of a disturbing lab experiment funded by the US Poultry and Egg Association.
I know this is hard to see.
But as entire flocks of chickens are still being put to death in this devastating way, we hope we can inspire more people to take action for animals if we can reach more people with the truth.
Will you share this video with your friends and family?
It’s hard to get past the images of what these chickens are forced to endure—I know I couldn’t unsee their pain. But we deeply appreciate your willingness to help broadcast this critical information so that others may feel inspired to join us in making a difference.
For the animals,

Vicky Bond
President |