Hey John,

Rudy Salas, Kermit Jones, Will Rollins, Jay Chen, Asif Mahmood, Adam Gray, and Christy Smith have a lot in common. They're all dedicated public servants, and this November have the chance to flip SEVEN crucial California swing districts from red-to-blue.

Right now we’re less than three months away from Election Day — the moment of truth when voters will decide what direction they want the country to go.

While these emails and fundraising asks might get annoying, a MAGA GOP-controlled Congress would be much worse than annoying — it would be catastrophic for democracy.

That's why these seven California Red-to-Blue House candidates are participating in today's MASSIVE one-day fundraising event. We must ensure Democrats have the resources to keep California – and the country – Blue in November. Split a donation of $3, or whatever works for your budget, today >>>

(Your donation will be split evenly between Rudy Salas, Kermit Jones, Will Rollins, Jay Chen, Asif Mahmood, Adam Gray, and Christy Smith).


Republicans only need to win five seats to take back control of Congress. That's five seats away from an insurrection and election-denying apologist House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the party of QANON and conspiracy theorists controlling Congress.

While Republicans are busy shamelessly defending their leader from a very credible criminal investigation, Democrats are hard at work making real progress in this country.

President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act — the largest investment ever in addressing the crisis of climate change. Democrats have also passed a bi-partisan bill to address the gun violence epidemic, to invest in the nation's crumbling infrastructure, and made the biggest economic come-back after a devastating pandemic.

This is not to say the work is finished, far from it. But these bills are a down payment to the American people to show that Congress and our government can actually work and make life better for working people.

But the only way we can make that happen is if we hold and expand our Democratic majorities in Congress. That means Rudy, Kermit, Will, Jay, Asif, Adam, and Christy need to know they can count on your support during these final months.

Split a donation of $3 or more between California’s seven Red-to-Blue candidates to go ALL IN and ensure we can defend and expand our House majority this November.>>>

Let's go,

Keep CA Blue via Will Rollins for Congress