From Arizona Desk - Voto Latino HQ <[email protected]>
Subject Blake Masters is spreading this destructive conspiracy theory
Date August 27, 2022 8:30 PM
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Blake Masters is back with yet another ridiculous, damaging conspiracy theory: one that directly harms the Latinx community in Arizona.

We wanted to take this opportunity to debunk Masters and his conspiracy theories, but also show you truly how bad Blake Masters would be for Arizona constituents.

But if you don’t have time to read all the way through, will you chip in to our efforts to register Latinx voters in battleground states like Arizona?

Here's the breakdown:

The conspiracy:
Blake Masters has recently accused Democrats of “importing” voters to change the demographics of Arizona and other battleground states across the US. According to Masters, Democrats are working to retain power forever by trying to count votes he considers invalid. In summary, Blake Masters believes Latinos are not "real Americans", and that our votes aren’t always legitimate. It's clear that we are not the constituents he cares to represent.

The truth:
We know the truth: that Arizona’s population is more than 1/3 Hispanic and that Arizona voters, like voters in other battleground states, value their communities and care about issues important to us all: good jobs, safe communities, and equal treatment under the law. The truth is that Latinos in Arizona are real Americans, and our votes are as valid as all others.

Why is Blake Masters spreading these harmful lies? Because he's scared of what our communities can do when we show up at the polls. Blake Masters has no intention of listening to the needs of Arizonans, so he's working to scare voters into believing a conspiracy theory that has already caused violence toward innocent people all around the country.

We have to stop Blake Masters in his tracks. Will you pitch in to help us register and turn out voters across Arizona?

John, this is exactly what it means to vote this year. Making your voice heard at the polls is more important than ever.

If voters turn out in huge numbers this November, we can show people like Blake Masters who we are and why our voices matter. Together in November we can work to stop these far-right conspiracy theories from hurting our communities even further.

Voto Latino is committed to making the voices of the Latinx community heard in November. We’re registering and turning out countless Latinx voters across important battleground states like Arizona, because we absolutely will not let the likes of Blake Masters create this narrative for our community.

John, our work is reliant on grassroots supporters like you. Can you help us in this effort?

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– Arizona Desk, Voto Latino

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