Team, I’m going to talk about what motivates me to win this race. But first, I’m coming up on a huge end-of-month deadline and I need your help. Since this is one of our last end-of-month deadlines before Election Day, I’m setting an ambitious goal of $20,000. Can I count on you to chip in just $5 to help our grassroots campaign today?
I wear a lot of hats. From school pick-up to the state senate to campaign events – I’m juggling more than ever these days.
But every aspect of who I am influences why I’m determined to hold Kentucky’s only Democratic district this November:
I’m a dad of 3 who’s determined to fight for Kentucky’s families. Paid parental leave, universal pre-k, and fully funded public school systems are all crucial policies to ensure our kids have every possible opportunity to reach their potential.

I’m an attorney who is guided by a love for our democracy, who believes that many of the problems in our country have been created by bad laws and bad policies and that we have the power to fix those problems with good laws and good policies.

I’m a Kentuckian who loves this community and wants to see his friends and neighbors thrive.

I’m in this race to push Kentucky forward. If you’re standing with me, I know you want the best for Louisville too.
So will you chip in $5 right now to my campaign for Congress? I only have until Wednesday at midnight to hit my end-of-month goal:
Thank you for standing strong with me.
Morgan McGarvey