No more amendments!
Call your Senator and Assembly Member!
Send a postcard to the Governor!
August 26, 2022 Update: Thursday was the last day for bills to be amended on the floor, although both houses waived the rules so amendments can continue to be published until Sunday. Senator Wiener's staff have confirmed to A Voice for Choice Advocacy that SB 866 was not amended, so unless Senator Wiener waives a lot more rules (which is not unheard of in our legislature), if the bill is brought forward for a vote on the Assembly floor this week it will have the current 15+ year old wording with no exclusions.
With our two lobbyists, and our legislative team, A Voice for Choice Adovcacy has a pulse on what goes on behind the scenes in the legislature, that few other groups have in California. While our legislative team has a lot of contacts in the Capitol building (remember how AVFCA announced the potential bad bills back in October 2021), AVFCA does not share much of that publically for strategic reasons and/or because it is unsubstantiated. A Voice for Choice Advocacy's promise to you is that all information that AVFCA puts out has been fully substantiated with written or verbal confirmation, and that the Actions we ask you to take are what AVFCA feels is the best use or your time, money and effort to be most effective in the fight.
All bills that are passed by full Senate and the full Assembly by midnight on August, 31, 2022 are thereby sent to Governor Newsom's desk for him to sign or veto. SB 866 and SB 1419 are on the Assembly floor and AB 2098 and AB 1797 are on the Senate floor. SB 1479, which has been watered down considerably, is on its way to the Governor's desk. While A Voice for Choice Advocacy's Legislative team and lobbyists continue to communicate with legislative offices on a daily basis, YOUR voice as a constituent is extremely powerful.
So in this last weekend before the end of the California Legislative Session, please make one more call to your Assembly Member and your local State Senator, sign a postcard and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE.
1) SEND A POSTCARD TO GOVERNOR NEWSOM: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/avfca-governor-postcard-campaign/ We have 2500+ postcards on the way to Governor Newsom already, but we want that to be 10,000. It is super easy, quick and doesn't cost you a penny. You can see how easy here: https://www.instagram.com/p/ChuuaywJJaa/
a) Go to: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/avfca-governor-postcard-campaign/
b) Complete the form, including uploading an image for the front of your postcard (if desired) and a message for the back of your postcard
c) Repeat for any other family members (children included) who want the Governor to Veto these bills
2) KEEP CALLING YOUR DISTRICT ASSEMBLY MEMBER AND YOUR SENATOR: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/action-alert-5-bad-bills-on-floor-call-legislators/
a) If you don't know who they are, find your State Senator and Assembly Member by putting your address into this locator (https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/).
b) Then find your Senator's contact information here: https://www.senate.ca.gov/senators and call both their Capitol office and their District office(s) asking them to oppose AB 2098 and AB 1797.
Sample Script: "I am a constituent. I am calling to ask the Senator to vote No or Abstain on AB 1797, Assembly Weber’s Immunization Registry bill, and AB 2098, Assembly Member Low’s COVID misinformation/disinformation bill, when they are voted on on the Senate Floor.”
If you wish to share more details on why:
AB 1797 – Will require all vaccinations for all Californians to be entered into the California Immunization Registry, with no way for private consumers to opt out. This is the first step to vaccine passports and discriminating people based on their vaccine status.
AB 2098 – The CA Medical Board already has the ability to discipline doctors for giving misinformation or disinformation to patients in their office. This bill is duplicative and unnecessary. There is no "standard of care" or "contemporary scientific consensus" on COVID-19. The CA Medical Board does not currently support this bill. (Was recently amended to again include "standard or care" wording)
c) Then find your Assembly Member's contact information here: https://www.assembly.ca.gov/assemblymembers and call both their Capitol office and their District office(s) asking them to oppose SB 866 and SB 1419.
Sample Script: "I am a constituent. I am calling to ask the Assembly member to vote No or Abstain on SB 866, Senator Wiener’s Vaccine Minor Consent Law, and SB 1419, Senator Becker’s medical privacy bill when they are voted on on the Assembly Floor.”
If you wish to share more details on why:
SB 866 – Will create an environment where pharmaceutical companies can coerce teens into getting vaccines with incentives and bribes. It does not account for special needs teens who are not capable of making informed medical decisions on their own. (Anticipate amendments similar to those made to SB 1419, to exclude those who do not have the capacity to make medical decisions)
SB 1419 – Would force parents to go to court to get their children’s medical records in times of emergency, potentially causing delayed medical care, or in times of death. (Was amended that parents of minors who do not have the capacity to make medical decisions, can access their minors medical records)
Please share this email with friends and family, as well as on social media so we can get as many people as possible to call and send postcards. If every person gets just 10 other people to take action we would have tens of thousands of postcards. AVFCA can't do this without you!
Call legislators: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/action-alert-5-bad-bills-on-floor-call-legislators/
Send postcards: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/avfca-governor-postcard-campaign/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/ChnRTVFvSFU/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=186432370433564&set=pb.100072004068320.-2207520000..
Parler: https://parler.com/feed/57c8021c-e613-4f77-98f0-7572e8c2228d
Twitter: AVFCA is not on Twitter, so please use this tweet - Action Alert: TODAY Send #Postcards to Governor Newsom asking him to VETO CA’s #BadBills https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/avfca-governor-postcard-campaign/
If you found this information helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
