Hi, John, I wanted to make sure you saw Brianna’s note about our new training program to help Democratic women win critical judgeships in every state. We’re thrilled to be able to help even more Democratic women rise to the challenge of running for office – and succeed!
But right now we’re falling $3,214 short of what we need to raise by midnight, and we’re counting on your help to get back on track. If you haven’t yet, please give $5 or as much as you can spare to help power our programs forward. Here's the best link to donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/emerge2022
Thank you for being a part of our movement,
Ryanne Olsen
Training and Curriculum Director
------------- Forwarded message --------------
From: Brianna Carmen, Emerge
Date: Fri, Aug 26, 2022
Subject: Women hold 34 percent of all U.S. state judgeships. We NEED to change that – fast.
John, we mean it when we say that EVERY level of government matters, and that includes the judiciary. With far-right extremists doing everything in their power to target and criminalize our most vulnerable neighbors – and anyone who dares to protect them – filling judgeships in every state with Democratic women is more important and urgent than ever.
That’s why we’re proud to announce that we’ve expanded our programs to provide specialized training for judicial elections and appointments. But right now, women hold only 34 percent of state judgeships across the entire country. We urgently need your help to accelerate forward and bridge that gap.
We’ve set an urgent $10,000 goal so we can recruit, train, and elect Democratic women to judgeships in every state. Will you chip in $5 or more to help us hit our goal?
“We’ve seen firsthand during Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearings that women judges are both an essential voice on judicial benches and a severely underrepresented one. By providing specialized training around seeking judgeships, we’re building the next generation of judicial leaders who will go on to repower traditional political structures and promote equity and justice in our legal system.” -A'shanti F. Gholar, president of Emerge.
John, Emerge has a proven record of success in empowering Democratic women to win and wield judicial power for the benefit of everyday people. We simply MUST continue to scale up our work to elect more Democratic women, empower them to resist the far-right’s abuse of power, and defend our rights and communities in every state. But we rely on the support of committed community members like you to fuel this important work.
Please, will you rush a gift of $5 or more to help us meet our $10,000 goal? Your gift will help ensure that Democratic women have the training they need to run for judicial office, win crucial races up and down the ballot, and protect our communities for years to come.
Thank you for stepping up today,
Brianna Carmen
Political Director, Emerge