From Election Watch (via <[email protected]>
Subject The tide is turning
Date August 27, 2022 2:31 PM
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From the special election in New York to Kansas voters’ resounding rejection of statewide abortion restrictions, we are seeing that choice is on the ballot. And we WON’T let the GOP roll back our reproductive freedoms.

If you’re with us in this fight and are able to help us build on this momentum, will you chip in now?

Chip in: [link removed]

John, the stakes are higher than ever. That’s why we want to take a moment and explain why you’ll be hearing from our team a little more over the next few days.

Next Wednesday at midnight is our end-of-month fundraising deadline. Republicans have put a target on our district, and we need to spread Frank’s message of protecting choice and freedom far and wide.

To ensure we have the resources we need to reach as many voters as possible, we’ve set a goal to raise an additional $6,000 by the end of August. Digital ads, canvassing, and phonebanking are all critically important – but these programs are expensive, and we can’t afford to fall short.

John, Frank will always stand up and protect reproductive freedom, and he is counting on you to help him reach voters all across our community. Will you rush a contribution of $5, $15, or more to help reach our $6,000 end-of-month goal?

Rush a contribution: [link removed]

Thank you,

Team Mrvan

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Democrat Frank J. Mrvan is serving his first term as the representative for Indiana’s 1st Congressional District. A lifelong public servant, he is putting his decades of experience to work for the people of Northwest Indiana, reaching across the aisle to form alliances, secure funding, and pass legislation to protect our jobs, our healthcare, and our economy. With your support, he can continue this important work.

DONATE NOW [[link removed]]

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Paid For By Mrvan For Congress

Mrvan For Congress
7895 Broadway, Suite T
Merrillville, IN 46410
United States
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