Dear Reader,
Last Thursday, First Things took its year-end campaign online. I’m tremendously grateful to those of you who have donated already, but we still have a ways to go before we meet our goal of raising $500,000 by the end of 2019.
Will you support our year-end campaign with a gift today?
As a reader, you know that First Things speaks the truth in troubled times. Over the past year, we’ve diagnosed many modern maladies while offering a road map for believers to follow in the challenging days ahead.
“Faith seeking understanding.” That’s a timeless imperative, one we embrace. But these days, First Things faces an increasingly fractious, disordered, and disquieted society with another needed corrective: sanity seeking understanding.
Help us be a voice for sanity. Please consider donating to our year-end campaign today.
R. R. Reno, Editor
First Things