Here we see the 'intersectionality' of every loathsome fraud and ludicrous hoax the left has rammed down the throat of the American people. Once a lie, a fraud, is accepted as 'conventional wisdom', the most absurd, irrational, and preposterous edicts ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Next Level Climate Hoax: Black Lives Movement Launches “Climate Initiative” Centering on Black Americans
Here we see the 'intersectionality' of every loathsome fraud and ludicrous hoax the left has rammed down the throat of the American people. Once a lie, a fraud, is accepted as 'conventional wisdom', the most absurd, irrational, and preposterous ...

Baltimore NAACP Asks Governor To Deploy National Guard To Help Fight Crime As Murder Skyrockets
You don't need the National Guard, you need a Republican Mayor and Governor. Look to Miami as your guide.

Mayor of Miami Francis Suarez tells Tucker Carlson why the city's crime rate is on track to hit its lowest point in decades. ...

DC Mayor: All Students Must Get Dangerous Vax, Says Unvaccinated Students Won’t Get Virtual Instruction, Leaving Out 40% of Black Students
This is a crime against humanity. If this mayor was white, they'd be vilified as a vile klansmen.

DC Mayor says unvaccinated students will have no virtual instruction, leaving out 40% of black students

By: Carlos Garcia, The Blaze, August ...

Nazi-Tactics: Biden Calls Republicans “Semi-Fascists”
The President of the United States calling the opposition party ‘semi-fascists’ is a watershed moment. The dehumanizaton of half the country is in full swing. Taking a page from the propaganda ministry of the Nazi party, the regime accuses ...

Pennsylvania Senate Race 2022: Even Craven CNN Is Noticing Fetterman’s Crazy, Incoherent Campaigning
Oz can take it – even with the Democrat media machine.

Even CNN Is Noticing Fetterman's Incoherent Campaigning

By: Katie Pavlich, Townhall, Aug 25, 2022:

Since winning the Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate back in May, John ...

Under Court Order, FBI Releases HEAVILY REDACTED Affidavit for Search Warrant on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home
What treasonous bullshittery is this.

According to the government's own affidavit demanding authority to raid Trump's home, the unprecedented raid was necessary because a bureaucrat at the National Archives was mad that Trump had “newspapers, ...

Silenced Healthcare Workers Speak Out Publicly For The First Time
The greatest medical crime in modern history continues to impair and devastate the population.

Here is a quick summary of some of the terrifying things silenced healthcare workers from all over the world said.

Silenced healthcare workers ...

Feds ARREST Gavin McGinnes During Live Broadcast Over Jan. 6 (And He Wasn’t Even There)
This is the very definition of a police state. No one is safe. The Democrats have declared war on America – how much more will people take?

BREAKING… Feds ARREST Gavin McGinnes During Live Broadcast Over Jan. 6 — Despite the Fact HE DID ...

PRICELESS: DeSantis calls Fauci ‘Little Elf’ That Should Be Thrown ‘Across the Potomac’
We could see a double digit victory for Governor DeSantis in Florida's gubernatorial election this November. No Floridian who enjoys their freedom will vote for Charlie Crist. The post-Trump Republican Party belongs to the great governor. ...

Kids Pole Dance With Nearly-Nude Strippers At North Carolina Pride Event
The parents of these children are unfit. No good parent would allow their children to be corrupted like this. It’s grooming for pedophilia and sexual behavior.

A pride event in Charlotte, NC featured a stripper pole where kids were able to ...

Wall Street Journal: The Trump Warrant Had No Legal Basis
The Democrats have declared war on America. Ignoring or pretending this isn't so, does not make it any less true. The GOP needs a massive purge of RINOs.

Trump Warrant Had No Legal Basis

A former president’s rights under the Presidential ...

NAACP Leader in Florida RESIGNS Over “Abhorrent Racism” In The Organization
“The fact that I have consistently been made to endure this hateful racism in anti-racist spaces is abhorrently shameful.”

The race hustlers are the real racists.

NAACP leader in Florida quits over ‘racist marginalization’

By: ...

Antisemitic Biden Refuses Emergency Phone Call With Israel’s Prime Minister
The current Leftist Israeli government would not publicly criticize the Biden Administration, as they relentlessly appeased the terror-state of Iran on nukes. In fact, Israeli PM Yair Lapid kissed the Biden Administration's ass from day one, ...

Donald Trump will rally for Doug Mastriano and Mehmet Oz in Wilkes-Barre next week
Mark September 3rd on your calendar. It is vital that both Oz and Mastriano win their elections. Their opponents are nuts. Most especially John Fetterman, who is to the Left of the Biden Administration.

Related – Democrat senatorial candidate ...

Israeli F-35’s repeatedly entered Iran’s airspace Saudi media reports
War is coming to the Middle East, because of the Biden Administration's shameful appeasement of Iran. When Benjamin Netanyahu is once again Prime Minister of Israel in November, Israel's appeasement of the Biden Administration will come to an end. ...
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