Biggs for

We have only two weeks left in 2019 and I'm already under a constant barrage of vicious and dishonest attacks by local left-wing media outlets for my defense of President Trump!

They're enraged I've been one of the most vocal opponents of the Democrats' illegal scheme to overthrow the 2016 election results and oust President Trump.

And now I'm in the left-wing media's crosshairs!!

If I'm going to keep defending President Trump, I need your immediate help to fend off the media's non-stop attacks. Will you rush over a generous donation of $15, $25, $50 or more to help me fight back?

The mainstream media is in the bag for the Democrats' impeachment scheme and now they'll say anything to take me out. The Democrats and their media lap dogs don't care about your voice, and they'll do anything to kick me and President Trump out.

We can't let them win!

Your immediate donation is the critical support I need to keep the Democrats from having their way.

John, I'm relying on you. We can't let these attacks go unanswered!


Andy Biggs,
Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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