Pornography use is often framed as a male phenomenon. But, as singer-songwriter Billie Eilish’s statements about her pornography use since the age of 11 make clear, women—and even young girls—now make up a sizeable block of pornography consumers. Research shows that in recent decades the increase in women’s pornography use has been dramatic. Five decades ago, among a sample of U.S. college students aged 17–24, only 12% of college women had seen a “stag” or pornographic movie at least once in their lifetimes; with only 1% of women doing so fairly often. Today, however, a recent study found that 83% of women had ever seen pornography (nearly all from online sources) and that nearly a quarter viewed pornography before the age of 13. The same study also reported that 40.8% of women surveyed used pornography for masturbation a few times a year or more, 9.8% of which used pornography weekly or almost daily. In another study, 60.2% of women reported consuming pornography in the past month. |
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