Dear [email protected],
Everywhere you look, there are crises. Healthcare. Immigration. Social Security. Drugs. Violence. The Middle East. Afghanistan. Federal spending and debt.
There is a common denominator to all this mayhem, to this socialism, interventionism, and imperialism. It is, in a word, statism, the philosophy that views the government as a daddy or, even worse, a god, one that is charged with taking care of people, forcing them to be good, and keeping them “safe,” mostly from dangers that the government itself produces.
The statists have brought us a political and economic system that is based on the destruction of life, liberty, privacy, and property. Consider what massive statism has been brought to our nation:
What should we do about all this? Should we just accept that the statists have won and can never be defeated? Should we just embrace their tyranny and moral debauchery and pretend it’s freedom?
I say no! No direction is inevitable, especially when it involves a philosophy that produces killing, violence, failure, death, suffering, impoverishment, and destruction of liberty. I say we libertarians should continue speaking the truth and standing squarely for sound ideas on liberty. That’s the way we turn things around in our nation — through truth, principles, and ideals.
It’s just a matter of finding more Americans who say enough is enough — who conclude that the principles of the Declaration of Independence are worth fighting for — who determine that socialism, interventionism, and imperialism are not what they want for America any longer — and who decide that they are going to join up with us libertarians and support a philosophy of individual liberty, free markets, private property, and a limited-government republic.
Will you help us share our principled perspectives on liberty with more people in the coming year with a generous end-of-year donation to The Future of Freedom Foundation?
If you wish to mail in your donation, you can print a reply form here.
Yours for liberty,
Jacob Hornberger
P.S. Become a new member of our Freedom Club with a donation of $250 or more and you’ll receive my monthly video message on the principles of liberty and FFF activities and an autographed copy of our book Freedom Daily: Daily Quotations on Liberty. You can print a book order form here if you wish to purchase by mail.
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The Future of Freedom Foundation
11350 Random Hills Road, Suite 800
Fairfax, VA 22030