Dear John,
If you have a few minutes, there’s a powerful story I’d love to share with you...
“Rebecca” didn’t even want to consider another child…
When she visited a Human Coalition Women’s Care Clinic, she was overwhelmed by the bleakness of her situation. Unemployed. Without a car. And no home to call her own. Added to that, the father of the child growing inside her disappeared the moment Rebecca told him she was pregnant.
As I write, there are thousands of moms like Rebecca who will find out today they’re pregnant. Many will be so overwhelmed they’ll hardly be able to think straight. That’s why your prayers and generous support are so important.
You become the hands of Christ as you rescue children and reach moms in their most desperate situations.
Right now, you have a special opportunity to rescue even more lives through the $125,000 Back-to-School Matching Grant. I would be so grateful if you’d consider giving as generously as you can by the deadline of September 16. All gifts made by September 16 up to $125,000 will be matched dollar-for-dollar and go TWICE as far and make TWICE the lifesaving impact.
Your support is critical for families like Rebecca’s – and is especially crucial now in a post-Roe v. Wade America. Now is not the time for us to shrink back.
I promise you: Planned Parenthood isn’t slowing down.
Planned Parenthood and their allies are working with states like California to create “abortion sanctuaries’ – accessible to women who live in states that value all human life, even life in the womb.
Despite these challenges, there are thousands of reasons to hope. In fact, there are over 24,199 reasons…
More than 24,199 girls and boys are alive today — rescued from abortion thanks to you — and are starting school right now. These children are growing, learning, and thriving because you and others rescued them when their lives hung in the balance.
Through the incredible Back-to-School Matching Grant, you can rescue the next 24,199 children. You can ensure they will get to experience the beautiful moments of being a kid, like the very first day of school.
Your support will reach hurting moms planning to abort, expand the network of Women’s Care Clinics, and facilitate programs that provide for the tangible needs of moms facing unexpected pregnancies.
John, with your gift making TWICE the difference, right now is the perfect time to jump in and give. Will you give your best gift today to reach another mom like Rebecca with lifesaving support and rescue more children from abortion?

Rebecca was welcomed with open arms at the Women’s Care Clinic. She was provided a free ultrasound that changed everything. When Rebecca “saw” her child, she decided to choose life!
Rebecca was connected with our Continuum of Care program and supported throughout her pregnancy. Your support secured affordable housing for her and provided all the resources she needed to welcome her newborn home.
She recently gave birth to a healthy girl named “Kayla,” and their lives never looked so bright.
This is what you make possible when you give and pray!
Please don’t wait – give right NOW. Your gift will go TWICE as far to rescue children and empower their families thrive.
Thank you for rescuing children from abortion through caring for moms like Rebecca!
God bless you,
Jeff Bradford
P.S. — Thanks to you, 24,199 children today are living and thriving... And many are heading back to school. Please make that possible for so many others whose lives hang in the balance right now. Through the incredible $125,000 Back-to-School Matching Grant, every dollar given by September 16 up to $125,000 will make TWICE the lifesaving impact to rescue children from abortion.