

Over the last several years, the San Carlos Apache Tribe has been fighting to save sacred land that was stolen from them by the government. And they need your support now.

Oak Flat is sacred Apache tribal land located in Arizona’s First District. It is one of the most holy places in the Apache religious tradition.

In 1955, President Dwight D. Eisenhower designated Oak Flat off-limits to mining. For a long time, companies tried to change that law, but were unsuccessful.

However, in 2015, John McCain and Jeff Flake added a last-minute provision into the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act — a must-pass bill — authorizing the sale of Oak Flat.

Now, one of the largest copper mining companies in the world, Resolution Copper Co., is planning to make a crater below Oak Flat two miles wide and 1,000 feet deep, destroying this holy land.

The sale of Oak Flat in 2015 was illegal, immoral, and racist. Our government is continuing its cultural genocide of Native people to this day and hopes we won’t pay attention.

Here are ways you can help the efforts to save Oak Flat:

  1. Donate to Apache-Stronghold, the group fighting every day to save their land.
  2. Sign MoveOn’s petition to save Oak Flat.
  3. Spread the word by forwarding this email to 5 friends.

If you live in Arizona’s First District, write to Rep. Tom O’Halleran and tell him to support the “Save Oak Flat Act” (titled H.R.665).

In 2017, he vocally opposed the Act, which would reverse the 2015 sale of Oak Flat.

I urge you to join this fight — we can’t let the greed of politicians and private corporations win.

Eva Putzova

EvaForCongress.comTwitter | Facebook | Instagram

Paid for by Eva Putzova for Congress

Eva Putzova for Congress
PO Box 677
Flagstaff, AZ 86002
United States
