Protecting American Farmland from Our Adversaries

If Biden won't stop land grabs by China, Congress will

It seems obvious that a nation should not allow adversaries to buy up its land for any purpose, much less those that pose direct threats. Indeed, it is obvious to China, who forbids Americans from owning any Chinese farmland. Why, then, does the Biden administration refuse to compel China to play by its own rules? The continued failure of this administration to prevent these land grabs is an abdication of its duty to our farmers, our families, and our allies.

That is why I introduced the Prohibition of Agricultural Land for the People's Republic of China Act which will prohibit China from buying agricultural land in the United States.

Passage of this bill is more critical than ever in the wake of escalating tensions surrounding Taiwan.

Read The Rest of My Op-Ed on Fox News

Murray-Inslee Dam Plan Threatens Our Communities

Yesterday, Governor Inslee and Senator Murray released their final report which maintains their calls to breach the Four Lower Snake River Dams.

The fact of the matter is, even if they were able to replace the 66% of the state’s energy which is currently provided by the clean, renewable, and affordable hydroelectric dams, the loss of the dams would still devastate our communities: prices would rise, crops would perish, jobs would be eliminated, and the environment would be threatened. Not to mention, we have the science to prove these dams are not threatening our salmon population—a population that is already seeing record levels of recovery with the dams in place.

Taxpayers should no longer be responsible for paying for duplicative, unnecessary reports like the one issued by Senator Murray and Governor Inslee. Instead, we should be focusing time and money towards more support for salmon recovery and habitat restoration efforts. The only silver lining here is that it still requires an act of Congress to remove these dams, and as the duly elected member serving Washington’s 4th Congressional District and representing the communities who would be most impacted by such an action, I will do everything in my power to prevent that from happening.

Read More on My Website

Be Prepared: Wildfire Resource Kit

The catastrophic wildfires facing our region are—unfortunately—something we have come to expect during the dry, summer months. That said, I encourage you to continue to take caution to protect your families, homes, businesses, and communities. I am working in Congress to ensure our region receives the federal assistance we need to fight and manage these wildfires. Below is a link to a list of federal, state, and local resources to help keep you and your families safe from wildfires. As we continue to navigate these disasters, I will work to ensure this list includes the most up-to-date information possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact my office should you or a loved one be in need of assistance or guidance. We stand ready to help in any way we can.

Central Washington Wildfire Resources Kit

Working for Central Washington Businesses

I had the pleasure of attending the Tri-Cities Regional Chamber Luncheon this past Wednesday to meet with local officials and share what I have been working on in Congress to help Central Washington businesses. 

I gave an update on the work I've been doing to address the agricultural labor crisis, support our police, unleash American energy, and strengthen broadband connectivity in our rural communities. 

I am committed to working for the people of Central Washington and fighting for the priorities that matter most to our communities. 

Back to School Brings New Challenges

Inflation has soared from 1.4% in January 2021 to 8.5% in July of this year, and parents are bearing the brunt of these increased costs as they face their annual back-to-school shopping trips - on top of the mounting costs for just about everything else they buy.

Read More in the Grand Coulee Star

Grandview Summer Nights kick off with food, art, good vibes

GRANDVIEW - Friday night transformed the 100 block of Grandview's Division Street. Tents blossomed in the place of cars, food trucks and grills circled rows of white folding tables and conversation lifted into the air. Music, barbecue and small businesses filled the block as the sun set.

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Kennewick teacher to receive “Lifesaving Award” after heroic actions saved student last April

Dwane Sitler, a physical education teacher and athletics director at Park Middle School, will receive Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s “Lifesaving Award” during a ceremony on Sept. 28 in Tacoma for performing life-saving measures on a student who collapsed during his class.

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It is an honor and a privilege to serve you in Congress. To stay up to date on how I am working to represent Central Washington, I encourage you to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also find regular updates on my website.

Dan Newhouse
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