Even in these times of a fascist regime escalating its assault on humanity, this has been an intense week. There was Mueller’s testimony before Congress, again exposing the regime’s utter and blatantcontempt for rule of law, and the paralysis of the leaders of the Democratic Party. There is Trump’s vicious targeting of “the Squad” -- four women of color in Congress who have spoken truths about concentration camps and fascism -- inciting his base in ways that escalate real danger to them and to sections of people being targeted through Trump's verbal attacks.
On the other side of the equation, there is the inspiring model of mass protests in Puerto Rico that appear to be on the verge of driving out a hated governor. Also, exposures in The Los Angeles Times and The Guardian of police spying on Refuse Fascism meetings by an LAPD informant which put Refuse Fascism, its mission, and the heroic example of the#Freeway9 and #UCLA5 in the spotlight.
All of this emphasizes the necessity,the urgency, and the possibility of Refuse Fascism’s mission of bringing forwarda mass, non-violent movement to drive out this regime, and how important your support for the movement is. Volunteer here Donate here
The People of Puerto Rico Are Showing Us the Way
Coco Das @coco_das is a contributing editor to
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A few days ago, Ricardo Rosselló, the Governor of Puerto Rico who sent 900 pages of disgustingly offensive text messages and stole Hurricane Maria relief funds, was forced to make his first concession to 100.000 protesters demanding his resignation. He is stepping down as head of his party and will not stand for re-election next year.
Protesters clogged the main highway. Cruise ships had to cancel their trips. Police firing tear gas did not deter them. The legislation had to start considering impeachment. Celebrities like Ricky Martin joined the protests. People filled the streets again after Rosselló’s refusal to resign. He has now announced he will resign August 2.
This is a pattern that happens over and over again. Mass protests create a political crisis. The leaders scramble to quell the upheaval with minor concessions. The protesters don’t take no for an answer. They refuse to leave the streets. The regime is forced out, maybe after weeks, maybe after months. What happens next varies from place to place, but the pattern of protest, concessions, protest, demand met is always the same.
Egypt showed us the way. South Korea showed us the way. Armenia showed us the way. Algeria showed us the way. Sudan showed us the way. The people of Puerto Rico are showing us the way right now. If they can do it, we can do it in every major city in this country. As this meme shows, “it’s not that goddam complicated.”

Don’t let anyone keep making excuses for why this can’t happen here. The world doesn’t want to hear excuses. They want us to act like the people of Puerto Rico and remove a regime that is setting the world on fire. When we begin, the whole world will take heart. When we win, the whole world will celebrate.
In the name of humanity, Trump and Pence must go. This is how we make them.
Second Trial: LA City Attorney Doubles Down in Unjust, Political Prosecution of Two Arrested for Sounding the Alarm Against the Trump/Pence Fascist Regime
The Los Angeles City Attorney has declared its determination to go ahead with an unjust and highly political prosecution of two arrested for protesting the fascist Trump/Pence regime and calling for massive nonviolent sustained mobilization to drive out this regime. These are two co-defendants in the #Freeway9 case – people who participated in a protest on the 101 Freeway in the fall of 2017, aiming to sound the alarm about the extreme dangers concentrated in this regime.
Their first trial ended June 28 in a hung jury because some of the jurors recognized that what the defendants did is not a crime. Immediately the prosecution doubled down, moving ahead with these outrageous charges, charges which could amount to up to three years in jail and $2,000 in fines. A pre-trial hearing is August 9. Other co-defendants in the #Freeway9 case are set to go to trial in mid-September.
On July 19, The Los Angeles Times reported that the LAPD had sent a confidential informant to 4 Refuse Fascism meetings in 2017. On July 23, when questioned at an LAPD public meeting by Isabel Cardenas of, the LA Chief of Police Moore made statements that were an "outrageous abuse of authority, telling lies, spreading slander and disinformation to justify, and aggressively pursue, investigation and attacks on Refuse Fascism."
See defendants Alex & Chantelle speaking about why they non-violent protest action to block the 101 freeway in 2017, and hear from supporters in this recording of the July 21 Evening of Conscience and Culture: Free the #Freeway9 and #UCLA5! It’s right to sound the alarm against fascism!
Watch the entire event

VIDEO of Stephen Rohde, Chair of Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace, exposes the nature of LAPD spying on Refuse Fascism.
What You Can Do Now to Free the #Freeway9 and #UCLA5:
Trials to start between August & October. Next pretrial hearing August 9. Demand the charges be dropped!
Call City Attorney Mike Feuer 213 978 8100 or Tweet him @CityAttorneyLA. Free the #Freeway9 #UCLA5
> DONATE to the battle to defend the Freeway9 & UCLA5
> SIGN THE PETITION. Sign and spread all over the country: Drop The Charges Against Members of Refuse Fascism and Revolution Club! Everybody who has a heart for humanity, and wants the Trump/Pence fascist regime gone needs to sign this.Defend these heroes who are acting on their conscience, to end this nightmare, and calling on you to do the same.
> Read/share statements of support from Cornel West, Yusef Salaam, Bill Ayers, Edward Asner and Jim Lafferty.
> Listen/share: Alex Hernandez and Coco Das discuss the state and stakes of the battle with KPFK’s Lila Garret on Connect the Dots. national team
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