Happy Women's Equality Day, John.

Today marks 122 years since the passage of the 19th Amendment, but I'm thinking about a different anniversary today.

I'm thinking about how 2022 would've been the 50th year that abortion rights were protected in the United States — something right-wing extremists made sure didn't happen. I'm thinking about how the right to vote didn't stop us from losing the right to make the MOST intimate health decisions about OUR OWN BODIES.

Voting is incredibly important, and you can bet that I'll be making my feelings very clear on the ballot this year. But on its own, it's not enough.

We need to be empowering women to run for office and fight for what matters. And once we elect them, we need to give them all the resources and support they need to stay there. THIS is why I started HER Time, and why I hope you'll consider supporting us today.

The fight for women's equality is happening now. Will you help HER Time support women running for office by chipping in now?

Thank you!

— Katie