From Amazon wants to be your doctor <>
Subject Sign the petition: Don’t let Amazon privatize Medicare!
Date August 26, 2022 4:17 PM
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Amazon wants to establish a healthcare industry monopoly. That much is
clear after the tech giant acquired health provider One Medical last month
for a whopping $3.9 billion.^1

The research is unequivocal: health industry consolidation leads to higher
prices for consumers — without ensuring better care. 

The Amazon – One Medical merger is bad news for health access in the
United States and bad news for the economy. The merger may also be illegal
under current anti-monopoly laws. Senator Amy Klobuchar, chair of the
Senate committee responsible for anti-monopoly policy, is calling for a
thorough investigation of the merger by the Federal Trade Commission — and
we need to make sure that happens.^2

[ [link removed]- ]Sign the petition: The Federal Trade Commission must thoroughly
investigate the Amazon – One Medical merger for potential anticompetitive
effects and privacy violations!


Amazon’s record raises serious concerns about the tech giant providing
healthcare. Amazon has a long history of crushing its competitors and
capitalizing on and abusing our data. 

What’s more, this move is likely to accelerate the devastating Medicare
privatization process currently underway.3 Under Medicare privatization,
Medicare recipients get involuntarily assigned to private health plans.
Those for-profit companies make more money if their Medicare clients
receive less healthcare — in other words, they have an incentive to block
older and disabled Americans from accessing healthcare.  

Many Americans already pay too much for bad healthcare^4 — and our economy
is already dominated by Amazon and other Big Tech giants.

Not only would Amazon have too much market power with One Medical under
its belt, it also would have a frightening degree of informational power.
Should we trust Amazon with our private health data which could easily be
abused to discriminate against consumers on the basis of health
conditions? Absolutely not. 

[ [link removed]- ]Sign the petition: Tell the FTC to thoroughly investigate the Amazon –
One Medical merger for potential anticompetitive effects and privacy

Thanks for taking action,

Izzi and the team at Demand Progress


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 1. New York Times, "Amazon to acquire One Medical clinics in latest push
into health care," [ [link removed]- ]July 21, 2022. 
 2. Senator Amy Klobuchar, Letter, [ [link removed]- ]July 21, 2022. 
 3. Lever News, Amazon Joins The Medicare Privatization Spree, [ [link removed]- ]July 22,
 4. Commonwealth Fund, “U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, 2019:
Higher Spending, Worse Outcomes?,” [ [link removed]- ]January 30, 2020.

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