MAGA Republicans are up in arms about President Biden’s plan to provide long-needed student loan debt relief, but many of them, including Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz, have had hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans forgiven.

John, have you seen these viral tweets from the Biden administration? It couldn’t make the difference between Democrats and MAGA Republicans more clear.

MAGA Republicans are up in arms about President Biden’s plan to provide long-needed student loan debt relief, but many of them, including Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz, have had hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans forgiven.

If you believe like Cory and President Biden that relief should be available to all Americans not just the rich and powerful, will you chip in a $10 donation right now?

It couldn’t be more clear that Democrats across the country including President Biden and Cory are fighting for relief and opportunity for all Americans, while MAGA Republicans in Congress are fighting to enrich themselves and their cronies. Cory believes that he was elected to serve all Americans, not just the wealthy few.


We wanted to make sure you saw this and hope you are as motivated to win in November as we are.

— Team Booker