Across three days, this extraordinary lineup of practitioners and experts will lead an array of highly interactive, thought-provoking sessions, centered on the five Principles of Peak Grantmaking. You'll leave with plenty of inspiration and practical insights you can immediately apply to your work and career.
A series for corporate grantmakers
Build your network, crowdsource ideas, and learn practical solutions at sessions tailored to the unique challenges facing professionals from corporate foundations and corporate giving programs––all developed with the guidance of our volunteer Corporate Grantmaker Advisory Council.
Get social about your #PEAK2020 plans
Post to Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn with one of our signs, tagging #PEAK2020, and share what most excites you about joining us in Seattle. We’d love to share your happy face!
4 reasons to join us for pre-con
Choose from four immersive workshops: A deep-dive racial equity training, with Denise Barreto. Black-belt digital data management, with the Candid team. Equitable evaluation in practice, with Jara Dean-Coffey. Or, an all-day Grants Management 101 workshop.
Opening Keynote: LaTosha Brown of Black Voters Matter, on movement building [more]
NEW! Post-con Workshop: Become an Advocate for Practice Change—exclusive and complimentary to our Organization Members and Regional Chapter Officers. [more]
Brave Would-Be Equity Warriors Wanted for DEI Conversations. Denise Barreto’s all-day pre-con workshop is sure to be a sell-out, so sign up early! [more]
Small foundations are showing up in a big way at PEAK2020. Learn about the series our volunteer committee has curated for you. [more]
Join grantmaking colleagues
for #PEAKlearning at PEAK2020
Make your plans now to participate in the biggest gathering of philanthropy professionals focused on the “how” of grantmaking. Take advantage of early-bird rates.