Contact SBOE NOW about radical changes to Social Studies
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Dear TTP Patriots,

The message below is a sample of the call to action that TTP Citizen Advocates receive.  If you are not on the Citizen Advocate list, sign up today by emailing President Fran Rhodes at [email protected].  This is our "boots on the ground" army that is mobilized for action, so don't miss out.

Either way - the message below is a good action item for all Texans!

Julie McCarty

(the following message was sent on 8/25/22.  A new "revised" proposal for TEKS was released on 8/25/22.  See Texas Scorecard article for the newest changes - it's better, but still bad!)


Greetings TTP Citizen Advocates!

As we mentioned in our message of 8/22/2022, urgent action is needed with the State Board of Education (SBOE). 


They are meeting Aug 30 - Sept 2 to review new proposals for Social Studies TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills).  TEKS are the standards to be used in all Texas schools.  The TEKS define what students are expected to learn at each grade level, and how mastery of the subject is defined.

The new "re-imagined" TEKS being considered are a radial departure from the existing Social Studies program, and a departure from traditional standards of teaching history and cultures.  Texas Scorecard did an article  that lays out some of the proposed changes.  Parents and educators are speaking out loudly against the new proposals.  If you really want to dig into the weeds on this, here is the link to all Work Group Recommendations.


1) Reach out to Gov. Abbott, Lt Gov. Patrick, TEA Commissioner Mike Morath, and ALL SBOE members.  Phone calls are better than emails when there is a phone # available.

Ask them to go back to the original TEKS and reject all the proposed changes from the work groups. Changes are not age-appropriate, they contain CRT concepts, and they are an attempt to rewrite history.

There are 9 Republicans and 6 Democrats on the State Board of Education. The Democrats are sticking together supporting these changes. Contact all of our Republicans to urge them to stand together against this liberal radical agenda.



Gov. Greg Abbott  (512) 463-1782 His website Email form link [email protected] 

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (512) 463-0001Email form link

[email protected]

TEA Commissioner Mike Morath:

[email protected]  


SBOE MEMBERS: (Contact all, but especially contact the 9 Republicans - the ones with phone numbers listed.)

Georgina Perez,

[email protected]

Ruben Cortez,

[email protected]

Marisa Perez,

[email protected]

Rebecca Bell-Metereau,

[email protected]

Will Hickman,

[email protected],  832-304-0051

Matt Robinson,

[email protected],  281-635-1962

Augrey Young,

[email protected],  936-662-4264

Kevin Ellis,

[email protected],  512-710-7915

Tom Maynord,

[email protected],  512-532-9517

Pat Hardy,

[email protected],  817-732-1786

Pam Little,

[email protected],  972-342-6697

Aicha Davis,

[email protected]

Sue Melton-Malone,

[email protected], 254-749-0415

Jay Johnson,

[email protected],  806-680-3245


2) Show up at the SBOE Meeting Aug 30 - Sept 2

Signup to speak, Thursday 8/25, 8 a.m. through Friday 5 p.m. CT. Individuals may register online by clicking the link below starting at 8:00 a.m. (Central Time) on Thursday, August 25, 2022, and continuing through 5:00 p.m. (Central Time) on Friday, August 26, 2022. You may also register by calling (512) 463-9007 during the registration period. Late registration is available on-site up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.


Instructions for signing up to speak can be found here.  Full Agenda for the 4 days Can be found here

NOTE: The State Board of Education did not request an overhaul and no cost benefit analysis has been provided to SBOE members. It appears un-elected bureaucrats who work under Texas Education Association appointed Commissioner Mike Morath, hijacked the revision process. Un-elected work groups with activist agendas wrote the proposals, which were presented at the Aug. 1 meeting.

The August 30-Sept 2 meetings will be to review proposed changes, and ultimately vote on new TEKS, with a final vote coming in November. Please speak out on these issues and let your voices be heard! All members of the SBOE are elected and some have an election coming up in November. Let them know you have the POWER to replace them at the ballot box, and then, make sure you follow through.


God Bless!

Fran Rhodes, President, True Texas Project

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