
The Biden administration quietly ended the ‘Remain in Mexico’ migrant protocol for those seeking to enter the U.S. illegally, and it has resulted in an influx of migrants into American cities. 

According to a NPR/Ipsos poll, over half (54%) of American adults say the crisis at the southern border is an invasion. The U.S. has recorded unprecedented numbers of illegal migrants due to the administration’s lax immigration enforcement policies. This latest move will only make things worse.
The Left’s policies that further open our porous border will increase the number of illegal migrants in our country that are more inclined to commit crimes, add pressure to our school systems, and increase the stress on our health care.
Under President Joe Biden, the U.S. has recorded unprecedented numbers of illegal migrant crossings that are set to surpass a record-breaking 2 million by the end of this fiscal year. 

Instead of prioritizing national security, public safety, human rights, and public resources, the administration is undermining our immigration system and encouraging migrants and cartels to exploit our vulnerable southern border.
As we approach a historic two million border apprehensions and find our economy hurting more and more, the federal government has few good answers to the quandary of how it will slow illegal immigration and address the problems that come with it. 

Tell the Biden administration to secure and protect our borders.

In Freedom, 
Patrice Onwuka