We get a lot of "fan" mail at TTP... and I put that word in quotes because I mean it tongue-in-cheek. Let's just say we do tend to ruffle some feathers. Hey... no apologies! That's what we're here for.
Thankfully loads of Texans appreciate what we do. In fact, we just received this email from a long-time supporter, and we thought we'd share it with you. You'll quickly see why we like it so much. 😉
H’wdy, fellow Texans and patriots. Nobody asked me to do this, but I recently had a recollection from the little church I grew up in. About once a year, a layman or two would speak on giving. So here’s my ‘giving’ testimony to you, my True Texas brethren.
I’ve noticed that many of you volunteer regularly and give regularly. You are the backbone of this great organization. Some of you may volunteer, but can’t afford to give much, and that’s good too. I fall into the category of a person who hasn’t had much time to volunteer in recent years due to health issues, family and work issues. Considering the direction our country is going, I felt really guilty about that.
However, it occurred to me that AT THE VERY LEAST, I can reach down and give more, and, give more consistently via a monthly credit card payment. I used to give sporadically with a check in the mail…and only when I thought about it. Here's just one example of your giving impact: I remember it once being said that our monthly meeting spot at that time cost $600 to rent for the evening. If you give $50 a month, then in a year you have paid for one of the meetings. If just 12 of you do that from your chapter, then the year of meetings is covered. Did you spend $50 the last time you went out to eat?
You know our tireless leaders Julie and Fran and the Board of Directors are volunteers – they don’t make a dime. Our giving goes right to the cause – what an amazing value we receive.
To paraphrase one of our mottos: We don't just get angry, we act, we hit the ground running at TTP. Let's get out ahead of things before they get as bad as they were in 1776, when our founders had to pledge 'their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.'
If you’re like me and can do nothing else at the moment but you need a way to ‘get in the fight’, please consider giving any amount, and giving with consistency. Pray about it, tithe to your church first, and then contribute to the terrific work of True Texas Project.
Thank you, mi amigos!
Tim Rhodes (no relation to Fran, except in spirit)