Paul LePage called me, left an obscene, threatening voicemail, and then actually told the press that he wanted to challenge me to a duel… with guns, so he could shoot me.


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Six years ago today, then-Gov. Paul LePage called me, left an obscene, threatening voicemail, and then actually told the press that he wanted to challenge me to a duel… with guns, so he could shoot me.

And why was he coming after me? For criticizing his racially charged comments.

While LePage’s pattern of unacceptable behavior and violent rhetoric is nothing new, his campaign is doing their best to rewrite history and sweep his misconduct under the rug – even when just last week, LePage threatened to “deck” a Maine Dems staffer. We know that Paul LePage -- who calls himself “Trump before Trump” -- is not fit to serve as our governor. That’s why the 2022 fight is crucial.

John, we all need to stand strong in the fight to defeat LePage and keep Maine blue. Can I count on you to pitch in $5 now to support the Maine Democratic Party?

Want the full story? Check out the video below.

LePage Voicemail

Paul LePage is an embarrassment to the state of Maine -- and as chair of the Maine Democratic Party, ensuring he never serves as our governor again remains one of my very top priorities.

LePage’s chaos doesn’t just embarrass Maine and make headlines, his violent and abrasive style prevents our government from being able to do its job and uplift working families. We all want to see Maine continue to make progress — not return to the days of constant political fights and mayhem. If Paul LePage takes back the governor’s seat, he will drag Maine back to reckless partisan chaos. His behavior was unacceptable in 2016, and he’s still unfit to lead in 2022.

Let’s not only defeat Paul LePage, let’s elect Democrats up and down the ballot and keep any future LePage’s far away from Maine. Make a contribution of $5 or any amount to join the fight.

Thank you,


Drew Gattine
Maine Democratic Party 




Paid for by Maine Democratic Party. Not Authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Maine Democratic Party
PO Box 5258
Augusta, ME 04330
United States
