From [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject We'll see you in September ;)
Date August 25, 2022 10:30 PM
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This month we’re taking a break from a longer intro to the newsletter. As part of our ongoing efforts to promote a culture of care and rest, we’re closing the office next week. Can't wait to continue redistributing wealth with you after our collective recharge. Wishing you all a joyful rest.
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The Fund Abortion Now! team held an amazing event on August 3rd in which we heard from knowledgeable panelists from the reproductive justice space. We recontextualized the Fund Abortion Now! campaign with a broader view on reproductive justice as a whole. Please read the event notes at [] which includes links to donate to our panelists organizations, the details of what was discussed at the events, and resources shared from our panelists.
We also updated our pledge form to hear about the other ways RGers/their community are assisting with reproductive justice outside of this specific campaign. Please re-submit the form at [] to capture all of the organizing/redistribution work you engage in!
RG Ohio recently co-hosted a skillshare on campaign partnerships with the Small & Emerging chapter subscope of the NMC, and it went great! We got to share stories about the incredible work Dayton Unified Power is doing in southern Ohio, discuss best practices for nurturing relationships with campaign partners, brainstorm how small chapters like ours can access bigger pools of resources, and learn from folks who've experienced similar challenges and wins in their own campaigns. Much gratitude and love to everyone who joined us, from Maine to Chicago to Oakland and beyond!
Internationalism Circle
The Progressive International Giving Circle is deep in fundraising mode after 6 months of core sessions learning from folks working on the ground on key progressive issues internationally. Members are doing the work of connecting with our peers to raise consistent funds -- monthly & annual giving!! -- for Progressive International.
Coming soon is an Internationalism 101 space open to all RG members and our international colleagues (Resource Transformation in Germany, Resource Movement in Canada, Resource Justice in the UK). We'll dive into the crucial role of internationalism in building radical power on the left. Watch your email for more info on this event, which will be in September.
[[link removed]] August RG 101
Register [[link removed]] Thursday, August 25 from 7-8:30 pm ET / 4-5:30 pm PT
Calling all new folks, lurkers, people who are interested in learning about RG! This space is intended for young people with wealth 18-35 but anyone is welcome. Join to learn more about RG’s work and how to get involved!
[[link removed]] Organizing School
Register [[link removed]] Sunday, September 11th from 12:30 pm ET / 9:30 am PT
Join us for a Sunday half day where we’ll dive into some concrete skill building! Over the course of this four hour session, we’ll play games, chat with folks from different chapters, and focus on some of the most requested skills from the member survey: making solid organizing asks, building strong cross-class campaigns and ways to leverage power beyond moving $. Open to all dues paying members, sign up now to hold your seat in this virtual class.
Sign-up [[link removed]] We’re Canvassing with Seed the Vote!
October 20th-24th
What : Join the Resource Generation Action branch of Seed the Vote to knock doors and build movement power through the 2022 midterms!
Who : We’re looking for RG members– at large, in chapters, new and old, who have vision and excitement around national campaign work to join us to canvas and build relationships with each other. Fill out the interest for HERE [[link removed]]
When: October 20-24th. Where: Location TBD, likely East Coast. Can’t make it the weekend of Oct 22? Join with other RG members to canvass with Seed the Vote [[link removed]] anytime now until Nov 8th in 7 locations around the country. Come to an open house
Why: As young people with access to wealth, we can show up with more than money– with our hearts and our feet to talk to support movement organizations to invite and absorb new members in key political moments- like elections. Conversations with a voter at the door have been proven to be the most effective thing we can do to get people to vote. In Arizona in 2020, Seed the Vote volunteers had over 16,000 conversations with voters at the door, in a state that was won by only 10,457 votes! More questions about what canvassing will be like? Check out the delegation guide [[link removed]] and this video [[link removed]] .
Who is Seed the Vote?
Seed the Vote is a movement organization that mobilizes to win strategic elections in key battleground states, as part of a broader strategy to push back the right and win systemic change.
They, like RG Action, have no illusions that the Democratic party is a friend of the movement; they are committed to building grassroots movements to fight for dignity and possibilities for people and the planet. They are clear that we must not cede elections to the Right.
Therefore,they work alongside grassroots groups to defeat the immediate threat of the Right, shift the political terrain on which we are fighting, and build grassroots political power for the long haul.
Feedback form [[link removed]] Feedback to the NMC form
This feedback form is intended for RG members to share their ideas or concerns with the NMC, and to feel represented by the NMC. Please note this form should not be used for urgent needs since we meet on a monthly basis. Please reach out to your RG Staff Regional Organizer if you need immediate support.
Some examples of what the NMC will be able to support you with include:
-Support that members are interested in seeing from staff, or vice versa
-Ideas that members have for internal RG infrastructure/ external partnerships
-Resources that would be helpful for members in their organizing (i.e. updated praxis guide, responding to media requests that align with RG's values, clarification around commitments to national partners)
RG New England Virtual Mingle

Register [] RG New England Virtual Mingle
Thursday, September 8th from 7-8:30 pm ET
Join RGers across New England* for an opportunity to build and deepen interpersonal and chapter-wide relationships, invest in peer learning, and plant seeds for collaboration. With a history of regional retreats (last in 2017) and one-off collaborations, we're excited to be coming together and building towards more ongoing connections in the region. We hope to continue building a regional identity and shared politic to inform our organizing, recognizing that there are long histories of systemic violence and social movements in our region. All are welcome to join - active chapter leaders, newer members, folks looking to reconnect with RG organizing, and RGers in non-chapter areas.
Please reach out to Nadav David, New England Regional Organizer, at [email protected] [[email protected]] with any questions or if you're interested in helping to plan this event.
*The New England region currently consists of RG chapters in Boston, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont and Western MA along with members based in New Hampshire and Rhode Island.
Register [[link removed]] Join RG Cohort for Transformative Justice Course this Fall
This summer, a cohort of 10 RGers participated together in the Spring Up Transformative Justice Course. Addie, a chapter leader in VT shared "This was one of the most humanizing courses I’ve ever taken. As someone who often dehumanizes myself around wealth and class privilege, it contextualized a lot of the work we’re doing at RG and I learned a lot of new skills. The material was grounded in a way of being that I hope for my organizing and activism to be based out of."
Spring Up [[link removed]] is a collective of care workers, transformative justice practitioners, liberatory educators, and coaches practicing and teaching the liberatory arts. They’re running their Transformative Justice course [[link removed]] again this fall. The course will run from September 18th - November 19th and mostly consists of self-paced reading/videos and optional office hours / buddy conversations. The course is an opportunity for folks to learn more about everyday transformative justice tools, the roots of this philosophy and praxis, and build community around abolitionist, consensual, and liberatory ways of being. It’s a seven part course with new content each week and an expectation that you will move at your own pace (and not complete all the content, it’s a lot at times!).
Spring Up is offering Private Group Learning. So along with the pairs and small groups you will be part of in the full course, you will gather with other RGers to discuss how the content specifically relates to our work. We are looking for at least 10 RGers to participate together! Enroll here [[link removed]] and email [email protected] [[email protected]] if you’re interested in joining a RG cohort by Friday, August 26th.
Also, Spring Up is hosting a series of one-day retreats in the fall. Learn more here [[link removed]] .
Conflict Analysis - Friday, 9/16 or Saturday, 9/17
Liberatory Facilitation - Friday, 9/30 or Saturday, 10/1
Harm Systems Design - Friday, 11/11 or Saturday, 11/12

Register [[link removed]] Join the Inaugural Climate Justice Giving Circle with Center for Popular Democracy Action
October 11-Nov 8th, 2022
Every Tuesday 7 pm ET / 4 pm PT for 5 weeks
Join our inaugural joint giving circle to gain skills and community to take action on climate. In this 5 week small group giving circle, learn with other RG members how to combat climate grief and apathy through people power. Our partners with the Center for Popular Democracy Action will share vision, political analysis and skills for how young people (and specifically us with access to wealth and class privilege) can build power and support frontline communities to win life saving policies in the next few years. In 5 weeks, you’ll get trained in transformative fundraising and get to practice, get connected to a cohort of people who want to take action, and build with CPD Action to win a majority in Congress that will do more than the bare minimum to keep our planet habitable, but work for a just and resilient economy.
[[link removed]] High Net Wealth Praxis Fall 2022 Application is LIVE!
[[link removed]] Resource Generation is thrilled to launch a new cycle of virtual praxis groups for young people with access to $1M or more in liquidable assets and/or who have influence over $10M through family assets to explore social justice giving. This will be a 10-month program in which you will develop a long-term giving plan, develop a network of peers with similar levels of assets, explore different giving models and deepen your skills and capacity to implement a social justice strategy in your giving.
[[link removed]] This cycle, we will be hosting two praxis groups: an antiracist white HNW group, and a multiracial HNW group (open to all). The program will be held on Zoom, and involve an outside speaker series, small group discussion, one on one relationship building, and solo learning. The program is facilitated by trained RG members and staff. Each member will be matched up with a coach for support, participate in a buddy system, and complete homework and readings between sessions.
Register [[link removed]] Apply for HNW Praxis By [[link removed]] September 26th! Sign up for the Open House [[link removed]] on Tuesday, September 13th to learn more. Ready to sign up now? Complete the application here [[link removed]] by Monday, September 26th at 9AM ET.
Contact Sahana ( [email protected] [[email protected]] ) with any questions or concerns.
Resource: Hot Labor Summer
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An RGer, Siena Chang and her colleagues Boaz Sender and Jane Chung got inspired at the Labor Notes conference last month, to make it a little easier to take concrete actions in solidarity with workers across the US. They created [[link removed]] , based on input and enthusiasm from folks building worker power at/with Starbucks, Amazon, Trader Joe’s, SEIU, CWA, AFL-CIO, EWOC, worker centers and others. Send Questions to Jane Chung [[email protected]] , Boaz Sender [[email protected]] , Siena Chaing. [[email protected]] P.S. The Hot Labor Summer name doesn’t mean it’s only for the summer. It’s just a nod to the excitement and possibility of this current moment!
Resource Generation seeks a short term remote consultant for assistance with our fall conference, Making Money Make Change [[link removed]] . MMMC is our annual conference for young folks with class privilege to begin to work towards a future where wealth, land, and power are equitably shared. We will be hosting the conference virtually this year. Full description and application process is posted here [[link removed]] . Deadline to apply is September 6th.
Apply [[link removed]]
We encourage you to consider joining RG as a dues paying member [[link removed]] , and if you would like to get involved in your local chapter, please fill out this intake form [[link removed]] !
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Resource Generation
1216 Broadway
New York, NY 10001
United States
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