New Mexico needs a Secretary of State who will protect your vote.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver for NM Secretary of State Logo

Someone forgot to tell Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin that engaging in an insurrection as an elected official is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

The 14th Amendment prohibits officeholders from engaging in an “insurrection” against the U.S. Government. But for anyone who knows Couy Griffin, it’s clear he will stop at nothing to overturn election results he doesn’t agree with. Griffin claimed that he was at the Capitol as a peaceful protester, but other witnesses reported seeing him repeatedly encouraging the insurrectionist’s antics.

But Griffin is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to election-deniers in office. If we want to make sure extremists cannot strip away our democracy piece by piece - we need a Secretary of State who will fight for our voting rights.

Election-denying insurrectionists are infiltrating our elections. We cannot stand by and watch them take over our elections and strip away our democracy. That's why we’ve set a goal to raise $5,000 by the end of this month to make sure Maggie can keep fighting for our free and fair elections. Will you help us fight back against election deniers by donating $25 or more right now? →

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In case you forgot, Griffin is part of the Otero County Commission that refused to certify the results of our primary election because they didn’t “feel in their hearts” that the results were accurate.

All county commissioners swear an oath to the Constitution to respect and uphold our democracy, yet they still put their far-right conspiracy theories over the will of the voters. But as long as Maggie is in office, those who break our laws will be held accountable.

New Mexico needs a Secretary of State like Maggie who will not let conspiracy theories disenfranchise voters. Maggie and her team will continue to fight for every single voter, because every New Mexican deserves to have a voice in our government.

Election deniers are going to throw everything they have at this race. We need to raise another $5,000 this month to fight back. Chip in $25 now to help Maggie and keep our democracy strong. →



Team MTO

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