I sometimes wonder if JD realizes he’s running for Senate in Ohio, and not California.

I’m only half joking—because for a guy who claims to represent Ohio families, he seems to spend a heck of a lot of time with his buddies in Silicon Valley.

JD doesn’t care about Ohio’s interests, so he shouldn’t be allowed to represent Ohio in the Senate, plain and simple.

If we’re going to flip Ohio blue and show JD’s billionaire backers that the Buckeye State isn’t for sale, I need every single one of our grassroots supporters to help us close the gap in this impossibly close race by chipping in a quick $25 to my campaign and Serve America. Can I count on you to have my back?


Unlike JD, you don’t have to look very hard to find me—because I’m out in the community talking to real Ohioans and their families every day. After all, that’s who I’ll be answering to when I get to the Senate.

Who will JD be loyal to if he’s allowed to buy this seat?

Look no further than the corporate billionaires and dark money groups dumping truckloads of money into propping up his struggling campaign. It’s pretty obvious JD only cares about his own ambitions and making his rich buddies richer.

In a race this close, we’re going to need A LOT of grassroots support to pull off a big win.

So what do you say—are you ready to pitch in $25 to my campaign and Serve America so we can send JD packing back to Silicon Valley and expand our Democratic Senate majority?

Wherever the heck JD has been hiding, let him stay there. I’ll keep the lead.

Tim Ryan