CPUSA @100:

People and nature before profits

Dear John,

This Wednesday, Congress is set to take a historic vote on the impeachment of President Trump. Tomorrow, December 17, people will hit the streets all over the country, calling for Trump's impeachment and removal.
We urge Party members and supporters to join the "Nobody Is Above the Law" demonstrations called by MoveOn. Find out where protests will be held in your area here. 

Send us your photos and video to [email protected], and include the location. Let's go all out for a workers and peoples impeachment!

In solidarity,
Rossana Cambron
Joe Sims

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

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