Please take our INSTANT POLL --
"Who's most to blame for America's Border Crisis?"
or, to donate:
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Dear John,
A new poll by Ipsos and National Public Radio says a slight majority of Americans think the nation is experiencing an "invasion" at the U.S. Mexico border.
What's happening at our southern border certainly FEELS LIKE AN INVASION. but it's not an invasion in the usual sense of the term. I'm NOT downplaying the seriousness of this situation. After all, millions of people have crossed the border just since Pres. Biden took office. But a literal invasion has usually been seen as a MILITARY action by a FOREIGN government, right??
If we were being invaded in a traditional sense, our sons and daughters would be enlisting in the military to fight for our freedom and self-rule. But while migrants' home governments may be aiding migrants in some ways, that help seems secondary to me.
Certainly, Mexico's government, for instance, hasn't been helpful when it does such things as issue transit visas for thousands in the infamous caravans of Central American migrants to pass through their country on the way to the U.S.
But personally, I think the government most responsible for the crisis is OUR OWN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT acting against the interests of the American people. Our government seems more interested in helping multinational corporations, corrupt business owners and cynical political calculations than in protecting American citizens.
But what do YOU think, John? I really want to know your opinion. How do YOU see it?
We've set up an INSTANT POLL to find out what you, John, and all our other members think is most responsible for the crisis at our southern border. Do you think some other country such as Mexico is most to blame for " invading" our country? Or is our border crisis more about the decision of our own U.S. government not to enforce our laws?
Take the poll right now. The question is:
"Who's most to blame for America's Border Crisis?"
or, to donate:
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Press one of the buttons, then instantly see the results. When you do, PLEASE consider making a donation to help NumbersUSA DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE CRISIS!!
I don't know about you, John, but I'm very glad we don't literally have to go off to battle with a foreign army. Our battle is political and non-violent, using the American democratic process. But that doesn't mean that this struggle can be won without sacrifice.
John, I know you support the cause of putting an end to illegal immigration. You've told us that, and you've used our website to tell Congress that since you joined us. Now, I'm asking for a small sacrifice. It's much smaller than enlisting, or sending your children off to battle. I'm only asking for your financial support, to keep this cause alive.
Let me share some details about that Ipsos/NPR poll: 53% of Americans believe that it's at least somewhat true that we're being invaded. 29% said it was completely true, and 24% said it was somewhat true. Only 19% said it was completely false, including only 34% of Democrats.
That is probably why the poll shows more Americans want to build a border wall (46%) than those who oppose it (42%).
Also, support for an amnesty for illegal aliens brought to America as children and youth (DREAMERS) has sharply declined in the past four years, according to the IPSOS poll. Since 2018, support for a so-called DREAM amnesty has dropped from 65% to 51%. (Previous polls show that many people who support the DREAM amnesty demand the borders before any amnesty is passed.)
Fortunately, we don't have to go to war with a foreign nation to stop this flood of illegal aliens. WE JUST HAVE TO CLEAN UP OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.
That's what we're trying to do here at NumbersUSA. We're working very hard to stop the terrible bills our opponents in Congress try to pass. And we're working to get Congress to do its job and pass laws that will TOUGHEN ENFORCEMENT.
But again, I think the biggest question is WHO IS RESPONSIBLE for this border crisis? Is it the work of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT?? Or is it the irresponsibility of OUR OWN U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT?
If you haven't clicked on the instant poll button yet, do so now. Then PLEASE stick around and make a gift of any size to help NumbersUSA Action to fight back and get our border under control.
You can donate three ways:
1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.
2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.
3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.
Keep the faith and don't ever give up!
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Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? We'd be glad to hear from you at
[email protected].
P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.