Dear John,
Our SUMMER CHALLENGE is coming to an end, but we still need to get to $39,000 by midnight tonight to meet our critical funding goal! Will you help us?
There is so much riding on this campaign … With battles looming ahead over the future of Social Security and Medicare, we must be fully prepared to mobilize our members and supporters, like you — as well as our policy experts, government relations team and communications staff — against threats to earned benefits while we put maximum constituent pressure on lawmakers to strengthen America’s social safety net programs.
So please, John, will you give a gift right now?
Remember, any gift we receive by midnight tonight will DOUBLE in impact and help us fight for the programs that millions of Americans have paid into and earned over a lifetime of work … Americans just like you and our dedicated volunteers.
Our opponents believe your earned benefits are too generous and should be scaled back. They’re also pushing outrageous plans that would “sunset” earned benefit programs every five years, leaving it up to Congress whether to renew these programs or not.
So your support is needed now more than ever to hold the line on these threats to your earned benefits!
Please help us take advantage of this incredible Matching Gift offer by making a generous gift today. Every dollar is important and will go to the frontlines of our fight to protect and strengthen your earned benefits!