From Josh Bivens, EPI Policy Center <[email protected]>
Subject Add your name: We demand critical services for working families, not more tax cuts for billionaires
Date December 16, 2019 4:40 PM
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Donald Trump’s policies are wrong for working families.

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Tell Congress:
"The Trump administration’s policies are wrong for working families. Repeal the Trump tax cuts that benefit corporations and the wealthy and focus on policies that will directly help working families."
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Donald Trump and congressional Republicans slashed taxes in 2017, giving the vast majority of the tax cut proceeds to America’s wealthiest people and corporations, making the rich even richer, all financed with more debt.

They’ve since used this self-imposed deficit as an excuse to try and cut critical services for working families including SNAP food benefits, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and more.

Nothing could be clearer: Donald Trump’s economic policies are bad for working families.

The evidence is clear that the 2017 tax cut hasn’t worked to spur income growth for working families. The Trump administration knows this, so they’re looking to provide window dressing on their tax policy in the coming year.

But they have shown again and again that they’re not interested in helping working families. We need meaningful, progressive economic change, not tax breaks marketed as helping the middle class.

It’s critical that we reverse the last round of tax cuts for the wealthy, not double down on failed trickle-down economic policy. We need to develop a progressive economic policy that lifts up millions of working people, not one that grows the fortunes of corporations and the wealthy.

Join the EPI Policy Center and our allies in telling Congress to oppose any new Trump tax proposal. Instead of more tax cuts for the rich and corporations, it’s time to repeal the 2017 Trump–GOP tax law. ([link removed])

As millions of working families across the United States continue to struggle to make ends meet, the wealthy have never had it so good. In fact, the richest 1% of American households have essentially doubled their share of national income since the late 1970s. The Trump tax cut, which was tailor-made to make the richest people in this country even richer, further accelerated the massive inequality we face as a nation.

It’s time millionaires and billionaires start paying their fair share.

Policymakers must realign their fiscal priorities to help working families reap the benefits of a good economy. We must pursue a double track policy: progressive tax increases on the rich and corporations and increased public spending on infrastructure, health care, and education.

Add your name! Tell Congress no more Trump tax cuts. Instead, pass progressive economic legislation to invest in the future of our country and give millions of working families a boost. ([link removed])

In recent weeks, a number of conservative analyses of progressive economic policies—a surtax on high incomes, a wealth tax, and Social Security expansion—have claimed these policies would damage economic growth. These analyses are based on flawed decades-old supply side (or trickle down) assumptions that increased income and wealth among the top 1% will result in a stronger U.S. economy.

Over the last decade, there is no indication that increased wealth among the rich and corporations has resulted in more prosperity for working families. Instead, increases in worker productivity have resulted in higher CEO pay and stock buybacks that benefit wealthy shareholders—not increases in worker pay.

Together, let’s send Congress a clear message: Reject tax cuts for the wealthy and pass legislation that increases worker pay and protections. ([link removed])

EPI is building a broad consensus of support around policies that would really make a difference in the lives of working people, from a $15 minimum wage to paid family leave to protecting and expanding Social Security. Together, let’s demand Congress act on behalf of working families, not the rich and corporations.

Add your name! Tell Congress to focus on passing meaningful economic reforms to help millions of working families, not more tax cuts for the rich and corporations. ([link removed])

Together, we’re fighting for a progressive economic agenda that supports millions of working families across the country.

In solidarity,

Josh Bivens
Director of Research, EPI Policy Center
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