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Race + Power Weekly

This Race + Power Weekly newsletter considers how nonprofit technology can be used to advance racial equity and justice. First, Sakshi Udavant reports on tech nonprofits fighting systemic racism in the US education, immigration, and prison systems. Next, from NPQ’s Summer 2022 magazine, “Owning Our Economy, Owning Our Future,” Minsun Ji on the potential of worker-owned platform cooperatives for a racially just and equitable tech economy. Then, from our archive, NPQ senior editor, Steve Dubb, on a report that underscores the need to own our platforms by breaking down the algorithmic racism of data capitalism. Finally, an opportunity to join our team: NPQ is hiring a senior editor for racial justice!

Why Tech Nonprofits Are Building Digital Tools for Racial Equity and Justice

While the harms of biased tech are well documented, nonprofit organizations are making strategic use of digital technology to fight inequality and racial injustice at scale. Read more…
Break Out of the Binary with Your Grantmaking Strategy
In this free guide, explore the ways in which community perspectives provide important context for your data.
Get the Guide

Technology For Whom? Owning Our Platforms

To prevent their bodies from becoming an on-call commodity owned by an algorithmic app, and the value of their labor getting extracted by capitalists, workers and movements must mobilize to own the apps themselves. Read more…
Start Planning Your 2023 Golf Fundraiser!
Get ready for 2023! This free guide shares real-life strategies for every step of the planning process, from setting goals to choosing a golf course to stewarding donors.
Get the Guide

The Capitalist in the Machine: Decoding Data Capitalism

To advance racial and economic justice requires wresting democratic control over data and information from corporations and the wealthy, as a new report details. Read more…
Explore the New Funding Landscape
How did funding evolve since 2017? How did COVID-19 impact corporate giving? Social Solutions surveyed foundations, trusts, and corporate giving programs on how they make funding decisions
Explore the survey results today.

NPQ Job Posting: Senior Editor, Racial Justice

The NPQ team is expanding: we’re hiring a senior editor for our Racial Justice desk! Find out more…
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